Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 103 Willow Tree and Werewolf

Seeing this scene, Li Shiyi knew that he had to stop the werewolf, and quickly fired a nano laser cannon. As expected, the werewolf started to move at high speed again.

Li Shiyi did not stop firing the nano laser cannon this time, but continued to track the werewolf to prevent the werewolf from eating again.

The werewolf came to Santana's side again, and by this time its left arm had fully grown.

I want to crash the car again. Does this experimental question have no intelligence? Looking at the werewolf's behavior, Li Shiyi asked.

But the werewolf's next move surprised him.

Damn it, do you need so much force to lift up the chariot? Through the car window, Li Shiyi was surprised to see that the werewolf did not hit Santana with his body this time, but extended his claws to the car. bottom, and then lifted the entire car.

Although his tank looks like just a Santana, the inside has been completely transformed by the system. Although the materials have been systematically lightweighted, the weight is still much higher than before due to the addition of many more components. , already close to three tons.

Li Shiyi, on the other hand, quickly entered the different-dimensional space before Santana turned over completely.

It seems that we can only let that thing have a try.

The scenery in the extra-dimensional space is always so pleasant, but Li Shiyi didn't have time to appreciate the scenery. He quickly came to the side of the mutated willow tree, and then returned to Santana again.

At this time, Santana had been rolled over by the werewolf, sitting under the upturned car and violently attacking the attacker. Of course, Santana said it was a little itchy and suggested using more force.

Li Shiyi sat in the car that was turned upside down, opened the car handle and stretched out the window, and then released ten robots.

As soon as the ten robots got out of the car, they quickly ran away at full speed in different directions, then took out their guns and fired at the werewolf who was smashing the car.

These bullets did not cause any damage to the werewolf, but they succeeded in irritating the werewolf. As a result, the werewolf decisively gave up the useless behavior of smashing cars and turned to attack the robots.

Taking this opportunity, Li Shiyi quickly opened the door and left the chariot, then released the mutated willow tree with a wave of his hand, then erected the willow tree and placed it in the pit where trees were planted on both sides of the road.

As soon as the willow tree came into contact, many roots quickly grew out of the broken branches and penetrated into the soil.

Sure enough, he's not dead. Li Shiyi muttered, then summoned a bucket of water from another dimension and poured it on the mutated willow tree.

This bucket of water is not ordinary water, but water mixed with production accelerating fluid.

When a bucket of water was poured down, the willow tree immediately changed from the previous yellow color back to red and black, and then the branches grew longer, reaching towards the corpse on the ground, and began to draw blood, and one of the branches flew towards Experimental Subject No. 1 The blood of a wounded werewolf.

Seeing this, Li Shiyi knew that this was enough, so he returned to the chariot, summoned a robot to turn the chariot over, and sat in again.

After he completed this series of actions, the werewolf also destroyed all the robots and returned here.

But this time, the werewolf did not approach Santana rashly. Instead, he stood about three meters away and assumed a fighting stance facing the willow tree.

At this time, the willow tree has become very different from before. Under the combined action of blood and production accelerating fluid, its branches have become thicker, and its surface is faintly flashing with black-red light.

At this time, the trunk of the tree was already thicker than the hole where the tree was planted, and it directly pushed away the surrounding floor tiles. The tree body also grew from about two meters to a height of nearly four meters.

In this way, although the werewolf did not make a move, the willow tree did not intend to let him go. Countless willow branches were quickly stretched towards the werewolf.

But the flying speed of the willow branches was obviously unable to catch the werewolf. The werewolf just jumped away from the branches, and then quickly rushed to the trunk of the willow tree and grabbed the willow tree.

However, what Li Shiyi didn't expect was that under this claw, the willow tree's bark was only scratched on the surface, and there was no serious damage. Moreover, under the flow of red light, the wound was also recovering quickly.

The werewolf obviously didn't expect that his full grasp would have no effect. After being stunned for a moment, he quickly prepared to escape, but even after being stunned, he could no longer escape.

The willow branches all over the sky had surrounded him, and he could not move away no matter which direction he went. In desperation, the werewolf quickly waved his claws at the willow branches, trying to cut off the willow branches with his sharp claws.

But it is obvious that the toughness of the re-evolved willow branches has reached a very high level. Instead of cutting off the willow branches, the werewolf's claws became entangled in the willow branches.

With both claws entangled, what happened next was obvious. After restricting the werewolf's movement, other willow branches quickly wrapped around the werewolf's body.

Although the werewolf is very powerful, this power has no effect in the face of the tough wicker.

However, although the willow sticks entangled the werewolf, the defensive power of the hair on the werewolf's body also made it difficult for the willow tree's thorns to penetrate. In this way, countless willow sticks wrapped the werewolf into a cocoon, and the werewolf struggled hard inside. This time the scene looked like A chrysalis.

Just when Li Shiyi thought that Liu Shu could only starve the werewolf to death, Liu Shu once again experienced changes that Li Shiyi did not expect.

Those sharp thorns that could only be used to suck blood intermittently secreted a liquid, and when this liquid came into contact with the werewolf's body, it immediately made a sizzling sound, and then white smoke came out.

This willow tree has evolved the ability to digest juices. In the past, it only sucked blood, but this time it simply ate it whole!

That's not possible. How can you snatch the head that I got? Seeing this scene, Li Shiyi quickly got into Santana, activated the electromagnetic gun again, and aimed at the wolf's head wrapped in willow branches.

The cannon lit up with blue light for the first time, and two seconds later, Li Shiyi's ears heard a sonic boom again, along with the long-lost system prompt.

Kill the lycanthropic virus variant*1, and you will be rewarded with energy crystals*500.

The energy crystals rewarded by this one are five times that of ordinary werewolves, Li Shiyi thought to himself.

Although these five hundred energy crystals were a lot, they were a drop in the bucket for Li Shiyi's current demand, so he did not appear very happy.

And the moment Li Shiyi's shell penetrated the werewolf's head, the branches of the willow tree immediately penetrated along the wound, and began to frantically inject digestive juices and absorb blood, while the cocoon formed by the willow branches surrounding the werewolf It shrinks rapidly.

At the end, the willow branches parted, and a bald wolf skin fell out.

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