Doomsday: I have a godly chariot

Chapter 101 Experimental Subject No. 1

Those green dots traveled back and forth underground, probably moving nearly a thousand meters before stopping.

It ran far enough. Li Shiyi saw the other party stop and did not drive directly towards him because he knew that the other party would definitely be able to discover his whereabouts. After all, such a car must be in the other party's monitoring facilities. Be seen clearly.

Although he could just go over and fire another electromagnetic pulse, but he didn't know if the other party had other escape routes underground. If he just went over like this, it would probably be another chase. Li Shiyi didn't want to waste it in this way. time.

In the previous ruins, his robot had already found the entrance to the underground, and then Li Shiyi sent thirty robots in to follow the opponent's escape route.

Soon, the robot approached the opponent's location, but the opponent did not move again. I don't know whether it was because it felt that the robot did not pose a threat, or because there was no other route.

It was only then that Li Shiyi drove over. When he arrived, Li Shiyi did not release the electromagnetic pulse again. After all, this thing did not distinguish between friend and foe, and his own robot was not immune.

Through the robot's perspective, Li Shiyi could see that the environment those people were in was a room surrounded by metal walls. At this time, the metal door was tightly closed, blocking the robot from the door.

Fortunately, this time the robot is equipped with a Gauss rifle. Santanari, Li Shiyi smiled at the corner of his mouth, feeling happy for his foresight.

At the same time, two of the thirty robots underground raised their Gauss rifles and fired at the door.

With one shot, the metal door was penetrated directly. Facing the power of the Gauss rifle, there was no difference between the metal door and the wooden door.

Of course, when the robot fired, Li Shiyi deliberately avoided the green dots. After all, he was not here to commit massacre. His purpose was to catch Fang Xiuqi.

Originally, Li Shiyi did not intend to use such strong methods to attack the Land of Evolution. Instead, he wanted to investigate first and have a comprehensive understanding before formulating an action plan.

But now, he knows that the super creature in Su City may be Fang Xiuqi's handiwork, so there is nothing more to say. Let's arrest the person first.

After two shots, the robot could already see the situation inside through the bullet holes. In the room, seven people in combat uniforms could be seen pulling out a man with gray hair and a man in a white coat surrounding the center.

Obviously, the person surrounded in the middle is undoubtedly Fang Xiuqi.

After confirming the situation inside, Li Shiyi did not wait any longer and directly ordered the robot to attack the door with a Gauss rifle. He decided to break through the door directly and catch Fang Xiuqi to avoid a long night and many dreams.

After all, this place is where Fang Xiuqi is, but at present, the defense force is a bit weak. It is obvious that the people from the Evolution Land have been sent out, and at this time, they should be returning at full speed to support.

Li Shiyi's plan is to take Fang Xiuqi away before those people return.

Just when the robot attacked the door, the people in the room did not sit still and wait for death. All seven combatants were injected with medicine and prepared for the battle. Fang Xiuqi also took out a remote control from the pocket of his white coat and pressed Clicked the button.

Of course, Li Shiyi did not see these scenes. The information he could receive were the exchanges heard by the robot.

Professor Fang, what are you doing? The first thing I heard was the voice of a werewolf. After those people turned into werewolves, their voices changed a lot, and they could be clearly distinguished.

I activated Experimental Subject No. 1. The enemy this time is very difficult. None of the soldiers we sent out came back, and we didn't hear any gunshots. It's obvious that they are all dead. It seems that how many of you are there? This person should not be a match for those outside.

This time the voice was a bit old, and it was obviously a human voice, so the speaker was naturally Fang Xiuqi.

But isn't No. 1 not completely completed? What if it gets out of control. This time it was the same werewolf voice as before, but it seemed more anxious.

It doesn't matter, let No. 1 fight the enemies outside. It doesn't matter who wins or loses. I don't believe how strong the combat effectiveness can be when winning the battle. It's best to fight in such a way that both sides suffer. Maybe we can still You can reap the benefits of being a fisherman.

Hearing this, Li Shiyi frowned. Professor Fang seemed to have very high hopes for the Experimental Subject No. 1 in his mouth, and after Li Shiyi had solved many werewolves, this made him unable to help but Worried.

This operation was a bit hasty, but Li Shiyi was not worried about his own safety. After all, he still had the trump card of different dimensions. What he was worried about was that if he couldn't catch Fang Xiuqi this time, it would be difficult to find him next time. The other party.


Under the combined action of two Gauss rifles, the metal door was finally opened. The moment the door fell, the werewolf inside quickly rushed out and started a battle with the robot.

It's a pity that these robots are not specially used for fighting, and they are still a bit inconspicuous in front of the werewolf's claws. What's more, most of the robots hold ordinary firearms and cannot hurt the werewolf at all.

The battle ended quickly. In the end, all the robots were wiped out by the werewolves, and there were only three werewolves left. Four of them died under the power of the Gauss rifle.

At this time, Li Shiyi also confirmed through the robot's perspective that there was no exit from the metal room, and drove back to the ruins.

This is it! Li Shiyi, who drove back, sat in Santana with a solemn expression, because he saw a powerful biological aura under the ruins, which was about half as strong as the super creature in Su City, and This intensity is already higher than Li Shiyi.

When the biological aura reached this level, Li Shiyi had to consider whether the opponent would evolve any special abilities. After all, the biological aura represented the genetic level of the creature and could not completely refer to combat effectiveness.

Just like a porcupine's biological aura is much lower than that of a cheetah, but the cheetah cannot easily defeat the porcupine because of the quills on the porcupine's body.

Just when Li Shiyi was confused, the creature underground quickly rushed to the ground, and Li Shiyi also saw the other person's appearance.

This is still a werewolf, but the size of this werewolf is much larger than any one Li Shiyi has seen before, and the hair on its body is almost all red, only the hair on its forehead is still gray.

What surprised Li Shiyi even more was that the moment he reached the ground, the werewolf's aura began to increase again.

It is absorbing the power of the blood moonlight!

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