Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 179 Fang Potian


Faced with some strange questions from the super-evolved person, Liu Chen didn't even say anything nonsense. He took out a small wine bottle from his pocket and threw it to the other person.

Liu Chen doesn't usually drink, but he does bring some spirits with him. This is one of his survival experiences in his previous life.

Don't underestimate a small pot of spirits, it can play a key role in many cases.

For example, protection from the cold in special environments, disinfection after injuries, etc.

However, the purpose of the super evolved person's need for wine at this time was obviously not these, but simply to drink.

Let's eat some together.

The super evolved person tore half of a mutated bird that had been roasted and called Liu Chen over.

After only a second of hesitation, Liu Chen accepted the other party's invitation, walked over and took the roasted half of the mutated bird into his hands, then tore off the strips of meat and ate it.

The energy in his body is still not fully replenished. Eating the meat of these mutated birds will undoubtedly have good effects, and Liu Chen will naturally not refuse.

As for the fact that these mutant birds had eaten human flesh and evil ghosts before, Liu Chen didn't take it to heart at all.

Only those who have not truly experienced the cruelty of the apocalypse will be picky and picky. For Liu Chen, who has experienced starvation many times, being able to keep the bottom line and not eat human flesh is considered the limit. As for other things, he will not consider it at all. many.

There is only one true criterion in the end of the world, and that is to live.

The wine is good. My name is Fang Potian.

The super evolved person took a sip of wine, nodded and said his name for the first time.

Liu Chen.

Liu Chen also reported his name, and at the same time, he began to think quickly in his mind whether he had heard of the name Fang Potian in his previous life.

But after thinking about it, Liu Chen was surprised to find that he was very unfamiliar with this name and had never heard of it before.

This is obviously very abnormal, because judging from the opponent's evolutionary level and demonstrated strength, the opponent must be a well-deserved member of the overlords, and even more powerful than most overlords.

After all, the apocalypse has just begun for a short period of time, and with such a high evolutionary level at this time, this person's future achievements will probably reach a level that can be called terrifying.

Could it be another peerless strong man who fell midway?

Liu Chen couldn't help but come up with this guess.

It is possible to die at any time in the apocalypse, even for powerful evolvers, because there will always be unexpected accidents.

Even Liu Chen, who had survived for several years in his previous life, was far from understanding the true horror of the apocalypse. After all, his evolutionary level at the time was too low and many things were out of his reach.

Therefore, it is not a strange thing that the super evolver named Fang Potian in front of him died before he reached the overlord level.

With this thought, Liu Chen simply continued to waste his brain cells, while continuing to devour the mutated bird's meat containing majestic energy, while thinking about how to ask about the energy metal.

Judging from the brief contact, although Fang Potian is strong, he does not seem to be the kind of murderous person who bullies the weak. This is because he was willing to give energy metal to Liu Chen as compensation last time and did not choose to take action. You can roughly see it.

Although the other party may have been wary of Liu Chen's strength at that time and did not want to take action rashly, Liu Chen's condition was not very good at this time. It was impossible not to sense it based on the opponent's strength, but he still had no intention of taking action against Liu Chen. It can explain something about this person's character.

You don't drink?

Fang Potian was obviously a little strange when he saw Liu Chen just eating there.

Liu Chen shook his head. He basically wouldn't drink if he could avoid drinking, especially in this situation.

Although Fang Potian has not shown hostility so far, no one knows whether he will always be like this, so he must maintain absolute sobriety.

Although not drinking is a good thing, it also takes away a lot of fun...

Fang Potian sighed with emotion, and then stopped trying to persuade him and just continued to eat and drink on his own.

In terms of appearance, Fang Potian is even more ordinary than Liu Chen. He is the kind of person that no one would even look at if he was thrown into a crowd.

But this kind of ordinary appearance, coupled with that strong strength, gives people an extremely dangerous feeling. Liu Chen had never paid close attention before, but now sitting next to Fang Potian, he could even vaguely feel the majestic and terrifying energy fluctuations in the other party's body, as if this person was not a human evolver at all, let alone Like a dormant, terrifying beast.

This made Liu Chen realize that his guess was probably true. Even if Fang Potian had not yet broken through to D level, he was probably not far behind.

At this stage of evolution, he may already be the undisputed first person.

In the entire world, there may not be any evolvers who can rival Fang Potian, let alone surpass him.

Where did this guy come from? Can the God Gene create such a powerful master at this stage?

Could it be that this guy is the evolutionary background of those mysterious families that Wei Renxiong said back then?

Liu Chen kept guessing and quickly ate half of the mutated bird's roasted meat.

Fang Potian handed another half to Liu Chen. This time, Liu Chen did not follow. Instead, he stood up and walked to the E mutant bird that he had killed. He picked it up and put it on with an alloy sword to grill it.

Whether it's the harpoon in Fang Potian's hand or the alloy sword in Liu Chen's hand, they are the top magical weapons in the apocalypse. But now it is obvious that they are not kind to others. When they meet these two masters, they usually use them inside. It's just for killing monsters, it has to be turned into a barbecue tool.

Your sword is pretty good. It's a newly developed alloy weapon from the Beijing Military Research Institute, right?

Fang Potian glanced at the alloy sword in Liu Chen's hand and asked suddenly.


Liu Chen nodded, then smiled and said: Your harpoon is also very good, is it also an alloy weapon?

Fang Potian shook his head and said: It's not an alloy weapon, but it's also made of a special metal. Well, it's the same metal I gave you last time.

Energy metal can actually be used to create weapons?

Liu Chen's eyes suddenly froze. This was something he had never thought about before.

Originally, in his guess, energy metal only played a role in the evolution of the chariot, but now it seems that is not the case.

Although Liu Chen had never touched the harpoon in Fang Potian's hand, he had seen the power of this weapon up close. Not only was it not weaker than the alloy sword, it was even vaguely stronger.

Liu Chen had always guessed the origin of this harpoon before, but he never thought that it came from energy metal.

However, this manufacturing method is obviously very special. Even if Liu Chen had the system, he didn't feel anything unusual at close range.

Of course, this is also the reason why he never held it in his hand, otherwise the system would have given a prompt.

Brother Fang, can I ask where you got that metal?

After being shocked, Liu Chen finally asked about his true purpose of staying here.

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