Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 178 Meeting Again

This harpoon was no stranger to Liu Chen because he had seen it not long ago.

The super evolved person who uses the harpoon has always been regarded by Liu Chen as a real threat to him.

Unexpectedly, after some time passed, he actually bumped into each other again in the woods.

Moreover, the other party suddenly took action and helped him kill an E-level mutant bird.

Another companion was killed, but this time the remaining mutated bird did not look crazy and angry at all. Instead, it finally felt fear and could not care about avenging its companions. It also lost the appetite for tasting fresh human flesh and blood. , turned around and ran away.

Although the IQ is not high, it has evolved wisdom after all. The mutant bird can naturally judge that it alone cannot defeat the two humans in front of it.

But the remaining mutated bird still underestimated the opponent's strength.

The current Liu Chen may be reaching the end of his strength, and it would be difficult to keep it without exposing his telekinesis, but the other super evolver holding the harpoon is still in a state of strong combat power.

So as soon as the remaining mutated bird turned around, the super-evolved man waved the harpoon again.

There were no fancy moves, just a slight slash in the air. It didn't look very fast, but the mutated bird, which was good at speed and flight, couldn't escape and was split in half in an instant. The corpse fell from mid-air, spilling a shower of blood.

At this point, the three had been entrenched in the grain depot for a period of time, leaving the Jincheng gathering place in disbelief. All the three E-class mutant birds that were chasing Liu Chen all the way died.

Liu Chen killed one, and the super evolver killed two by himself.

...This person is obviously more powerful than last time. It seems that he has almost reached the D-level threshold.

Liu Chen felt awe-struck in his heart when he saw the super-evolved person's understatement when he killed the E-class mutated bird.

But in the end, he bowed his hand and said to the super evolved person: Thank you for your help.

Although without this person's help, the remaining two mutated birds would not pose much of a threat to Liu Chen, but Liu Chen would have to spend a lot of time and energy to kill them all.

So no matter what the other party's original intention is, it can still be regarded as a helping hand.

No need to thank me, I'm not here to help you.

The super evolved person shook his head, then ignored Liu Chen and instead picked up the corpses of two E-level mutant birds.

The super evolver didn't even look at the one Liu Chen killed at the beginning, and just ignored it.

Liu Chen didn't speak again, but just watched the other party's movements warily.

The reason why the other party came to the north was probably for the mysterious metal U disk. It happened that the two mysterious U disks were in Liu Chen's hand.

Therefore, in a sense, the two are enemies rather than friends.

Under such circumstances, Liu Chen's combat power had been reduced by more than half, so he naturally did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

Because no one can tell whether the other party will suddenly take action against him, even if the other party helped him kill two mutated birds just now.

Fortunately, that kind of scene did not happen for the time being. After picking up the corpses of the two mutated birds, the super evolved person walked to the side under a big rock and skillfully lit a fire without plucking the feathers and cleaning them. Grill the two mutated birds directly on it.

And the harpoon, a magic weapon that was extremely sharp and no weaker than an alloy sword, was used as a barbecue grill this time, and the corpses of mutated birds were flipped over the fire from time to time.

...Is this guy killing mutated birds just to eat them?

Liu Chen suddenly had this idea, and then the more he thought about it, the more likely it became.

Because no matter from which aspect, there is no friendship between the two of them. Last time, they almost had a conflict because of the big black dog general and the macaw.

Although there was no actual fight in the end, Liu Chen forced the other party to compensate him for a piece of energy metal.

Later, it was precisely because of the existence of this piece of energy metal that Liu Chen's chariot improved its form.

Therefore, the relationship between the two parties is indeed a bit complicated, but what is certain is that the other party does not have any motive to save him.

On the contrary, he said that he wanted to eat E-level mutant beasts, which was more in line with the character of this super evolver.

Liu Chen did not leave immediately, but sat on the fallen tree and rested.

It's not that he really wants to deal with the super evolved person, but that his current state is a bit bad and he needs to recover as soon as possible.

Of course, more importantly, Liu Chen also wanted to find out the information about energy metal from the other party.

Because if Chariot wants to improve its form in the future, it cannot do without energy metal.

If he couldn't find such a thing, then no matter how much energy Liu Chen absorbed into the chariot, he would never be able to upgrade the chariot.

Liu Chen refused to leave, and the super evolved person paid no attention to him, and had no desire to speak. He just kept to himself and relied on the mutated bird's meat.

This scene was eerily silent, with only the crackling sounds of the fat from the mutated birds dripping onto the fire.

Due to energy transformation and constant evolution, the meat of mutated beasts is originally difficult to cook, but this is also a relative term.

At least E-level mutant beasts can be processed with ordinary flames.

Therefore, it didn’t take long for the feathers on the bodies of the two mutated birds that the super evolved to wear on the harpoon. They had already turned into ashes, and the bird meat inside also turned golden, and the alluring fragrance began to flow from the top. It surged up and spread towards the surroundings.

Regardless of the kind of mutated beast's meat, it can be regarded as the most delicious food in the world, and the deliciousness of the meat of birds is well deserved to be ranked first.

Even if these two mutated birds were just the most common sparrows before they mutated, the smell they are emitting now is enough to make any living being salivate.

Not far away, Liu Chen also swallowed quietly, barely suppressing the feeling of hunger in his body.

After the fierce battle, he consumed a lot of energy and needed a lot of food to replenish it.

Looking at all foods, of course, the meat of mutated beasts is the best, because it contains the energy needed by the evolver. Not only does it taste great, but eating it is also of great benefit to the evolver.

It is no exaggeration to say that if someone can feed on the meat of mutated beasts, their evolutionary level can continue to improve even if they do not participate in battles or practice.

In previous lives, many big figures used this method to improve themselves.

This is one of the reasons why the strong will eventually become stronger, while the weak will become weaker and weaker.

Do you have any alcohol on you?

The super evolved person suddenly turned to look at Liu Chen and asked.

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