Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 180 Above the East China Sea

Hearing Liu Chen's question, Fang Potian suddenly turned his head and did not answer immediately. Instead, he gave Liu Chen a deep look.

This move made Liu Chen's heart suddenly sink. Just when he thought that the other party didn't want to answer, Fang Potian turned around again, took a sip of wine and said, Do you also want a weapon made of this metal? Now I'm afraid it's already very difficult, but I can tell you the location. There is a small island just above the East China Sea, about fifty nautical miles away from the shore. As long as you can land on the island alive, you can probably find that kind of island. Metal.

Having said this, Fang Potian paused and then said: But with your current strength, the chance of landing on the island alive is almost zero, so it's better not to die. Although the alloy sword in your hand is of higher quality than The weapons in my hand are worse, but they are enough for you to use.

Fang Potian's words were very direct, and he obviously thought that Liu Chen's strength was not enough.

If this kind of words were said in other people's mouths, it would definitely be considered a joke, because Liu Chen is now a real E-level mid-level. Even without the E-level elementary telekinesis, he is still the most advanced evolution at this stage. A member of the Evolutionaries, a truly top master in the eyes of other Evolutionaries.

Such a master is considered a bit weak, which is naturally a bit abnormal.

But the one who spoke was Fang Potian, who was probably the strongest human evolver at this stage, so these words became completely normal.

Therefore, instead of getting angry, Liu Chen said with a solemn expression: Are you talking about the mutated creatures in the sea?

You actually know about the mutated creatures in the sea?

Fang Potian's expression finally changed this time, and he glanced at Liu Chen in surprise.

I've heard people say it, it's a terrible thing.

Liu Chen nodded. Naturally, he couldn't say that he knew this because of his rebirth.

In previous lives, the natural enemies of human survivors were of course evil ghosts and mutant beasts, so someone suggested that they simply build some large ships and then find a few large islands so that human survivors could immigrate there and naturally no longer have to face endless monsters. Endless army of evil ghosts and various mutant beasts.

When this idea was first proposed, many so-called experts were extremely in favor of it and began to vigorously call for this to be done.

As a result, some gathering places actually repaired a few warships after spending a lot of energy and materials. However, as soon as they sailed into the sea, they were swallowed by a huge monster that suddenly appeared and disappeared completely without a trace. .

That's right, it wasn't sunk or knocked over, but it was swallowed in one gulp.

Together with the weapons and thousands of warriors above, not a single one survived.

As for what that behemoth looks like, no one can see clearly. They only know that it is a mutated creature from the sea. It has a high evolutionary level and is so powerful that it is many times more powerful than mutated creatures on land. It's simply not something that can be countered.

As a result, the human survivors' plan to immigrate to the island was completely declared bankrupt.

In fact, when this plan was proposed, some people said that the ocean is so big, many times larger than the land area, how could there be no mutated creatures.

And because of the vastness and depth of the ocean, once a mutant creature is born in it, its size and strength will be unimaginably terrifying.

However, those experts scorned this objection. They firmly believed that evil ghosts cannot live in water. This has been verified countless times.

Therefore, even if there are some mutated creatures in the sea, it is definitely safer than on land.

Therefore, because of the stubbornness of the experts, not only did they lose a large amount of precious materials, but also many soldiers with extraordinary strength died. It can be said that the losses were extremely heavy.

As someone who had lived in a previous life, Liu Chen had certainly heard of this incident and remembered it firmly in his heart.

The ocean, in the apocalypse, is definitely a forbidden place, not just for human survivors, but for all creatures on the land.

If it were not for some reason that the creatures in the sea could not really set foot on the land, I am afraid that as long as one or two rushed up, all the creatures on the land would be completely extinct.

So when Liu Chen heard Fang Potian say that the energy metal was in the East China Sea, Liu Chen's first reaction was to think of those terrifying mutated creatures in the sea.

Those guys are indeed not something Liu Chen can compete with with his current strength.

What makes Liu Chen strange is how did Fang Potian reach that island safely?

Although this person's evolutionary level is higher than Liu Chen's and his strength is stronger, he is not ridiculously strong yet.

Liu Chen was unable to compete with the mutated creatures in the sea, and it stands to reason that the same should be true for Fang Potian.

It's better now that you know. We can't set foot in that place. Fang Potian nodded.

It was a pity that Fang Potian was not interested in talking about this matter, and Liu Chen could not ask, because this would probably violate the other party's privacy and cause the other party to be displeased.

Soon, the mutated bird in Liu Chen's hand was roasted and eaten.

And Liu Chen, who had eaten a semi-E-level mutated bird, could clearly feel the energy rising up in his body, quickly replenishing what he had consumed.

It's almost time, it's time for me to leave...

Fang Potian also ate everything, but he didn't finish the wine. There was still half a bottle left, so he thought about it and looked at Liu Chen and said, Can you give me this bottle of wine?

No problem, it's not a good thing. Liu Chen agreed without any hesitation.

Not to mention that Fang Potian helped him kill two E-class mutant birds, but just by telling him the whereabouts of the energy metal, the value was far beyond what a pot of ordinary spirits could compare with.

Although Liu Chen does not have the strength to go to the island now, it does not mean that he will not have that strength in the future.

Knowing where energy metal exists, you can still find a way, which is much better than searching all over the world.

Okay, then just think that I owe you a favor and repay it in the future.

Fang Potian was straightforward. After saying this, he stood up, nodded, and left here carrying the harpoon weapon made of energy metal.

Fang Potian's pace didn't seem to be fast, but he disappeared after a few steps.

This made Liu Chen more and more certain that the evolutionary ability at this time was absolutely extraordinary, and seemed to be much more powerful than the speed type he originally guessed.

After leaving the battle, Liu Chen had used some means to identify the general direction.

The direction Fang Potian left was obviously not out of the woods, but into the mountains.

This made Liu Chen couldn't help but wonder, what was this top expert doing there? Is there anything good in the mountains?

Just out of curiosity, Liu Chen had no intention of following them. Instead, after extinguishing the fire, he quickly left here and returned to gathering place No. 2.

It was almost getting dark at this time, and one night had passed, and the parents still didn't know how worried they were.

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