Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 177 Delicious

Seeing Liu Chen finally stop, the three E-class mutant birds screamed excitedly, then formed a triangle and quickly surrounded Liu Chen.

The strength of the hateful human in front of them didn't make them feel any trouble, but the level of cunning made them extremely angry. If the other party didn't take the initiative to stop, it would probably take them a while to catch up with him. .

But now that the other party has chosen to stop, it means there is no difference at all from seeking death.

After the evolution of mutated beasts, a large part of them have become bloodthirsty and cruel. This group of mutated birds occupying the grain depot is obviously like this. Therefore, they are not very interested in food, but they are extremely fond of the flesh and blood of humans and evil ghosts. .

Especially living humans are absolutely delicacies in their eyes.

Unfortunately, because of the failure of the last attack on the grain depot, Wei Renxiong had ordered the dangerous areas near the two gathering areas in Jincheng to be designated as restricted areas and announced them inside the gathering areas.

In this way, the survivors in the gathering place will definitely not come to such a place to seek death, unless there are unlucky ghosts from other places who come to the Jincheng gathering place.

However, the location of the grain depot is relatively remote, and no one would pass by it under normal circumstances. Therefore, this group of mutated birds, let alone live humans, would not be able to easily eat them even from nearby evil ghosts.

The last time they ate fresh human flesh and blood was when Wei Renxiong sent Xiaoying and others to attack the grain depot. It had been quite a while.

But even now, the mutated birds can still recall the delicious taste of fresh human flesh and blood, so when they see Liu Chen, they have completely regarded him as food. As for why they came after Liu Chen, it is because his IQ is really not high. , I have long forgotten all about it now.

At this time, the only thought of the three E-level mutant birds was to eat Liu Chen quickly.

Although they have low IQs, they still have an innate ability to distinguish food. They know that the higher the evolutionary level of eating creatures, the greater the benefits to themselves.

This is also the main reason why they give up food such as grain and prefer to eat flesh and blood.

...What the hell, I was treated as food by a few birds.

Seeing one of the E-class mutant birds with glowing green eyes and a drooling look, Liu Chen, who had some understanding of the mutant beast's habits, couldn't help but curse.

Being treated as food by mutated beasts, especially by a few stupid birds with obviously low IQ, is really unpleasant.

It's decided, tonight's supper will be braised mutated bird wings.

Liu Chen muttered, then suddenly swung the alloy sword in his hand and attacked one of the E-class mutant birds.

Now that we have decided to fight, we naturally have to strike first.

At the same time as this knife was struck, Liu Chen also used the telepathy attack that he had never used.

There were no outsiders here, and it was a life-and-death situation. Naturally, Liu Chen would no longer hide and use the strongest means he could.

Although it consumed a lot of power, Liu Chen's sword was still a solid E-level mid-level sword. Under the dazzling moonlight, the sword had already struck in front of the mutated bird.

Although the IQ is not high, it is a mutant beast after all, and its fighting instinct is still extremely strong. The mutant bird can feel the threat contained in this knife, so it does not dare to use its claws and beak to resist, but the body Turn around and hide away.

But at the moment it was dodging, a black and inconspicuous iron nail suddenly appeared from mid-air, and then with terrifying speed, it directly met the mutant bird's avoidance route.

Between the two, the starting speed of the iron nail seemed to be faster, so it was as if the mutated bird had hit the iron nail itself.


There was a soft sound, and blood suddenly splashed out.

The E-class mutant bird, which was obviously careless and did not expect Liu Chen to have such a weird attack method, only had time to let out a shrill scream before it was pierced by iron nails through its eyes and fell down from mid-air. Come down.

Although it is just an ordinary iron nail, under the blessing of terrifying telepathy, it has become an extremely terrifying killing weapon.

Although the physical strength of the E-class mutant bird is not weak, it is still unable to resist this kind of weapon blessed by telepathy. What's more, in order to kill with one blow, Liu Chen chooses to attack the opponent's most vulnerable eyes.

Facts have proved that Liu Chen's judgment was extremely accurate, and he killed an E-level mutant bird in one move, which instantly reduced the opponent's threat by half.

It was almost impossible for Liu Chen to defeat the three E-level mutant birds in their current state, but the remaining two were completely different.

Although the number seems to be only one-third less, the threat is actually reduced by half.

However, this blow was successful, and Liu Chen's consumption was not small.

He had to accurately calculate the angle of the attack, and he had to attack with all his strength. After one blow, Liu Chen's telekinesis was consumed at least half.

This also means that if he uses his telekinesis again, he can only use it once at most if he wants to continue to attack with this intensity, otherwise he will fall into a coma due to excessive telekinesis consumption.

The companions were easily killed by the humans in front of them, and the remaining two E-class mutant birds went completely crazy.

They won't feel bad if some of the other mutated birds that haven't evolved to E level die, because they don't belong to the same class as them.

In their eyes, only E-class mutant birds can be regarded as their true companions.

What's more, the relationship between these three E-class mutant birds is not just companions, but brothers and sisters born from the same litter, with blood ties.

The shrill and horrifying screams kept ringing, and a green light suddenly surged from the two mutated birds, and they rushed towards Liu Chen.

With a thought in his mind, Liu Chen was about to copy the move just now and kill or seriously injure a mutant bird. In this way, although he would also lose the attack method of telekinesis, with only one mutant bird left, no matter it was Liu Chen shouldn't have any problem whether he continues to fight or escapes.

But just when he was about to take action, an extremely powerful aura suddenly surged from the side, making Liu Chen feel an extremely serious threat!

With his eyes focused, Liu Chen instantly judged that there was an extremely powerful guy nearby.

After realizing this, Liu Chen immediately gave up his plan to use his telekinesis, and instead quickly retreated, avoiding the attacks of two E-level mutant birds.


At this time, a gleaming weapon suddenly appeared from behind the nearby tree, and penetrated the body of an E-class mutant bird extremely quickly.

Bloody light flashed, and the mutated birds screamed incessantly, revealing the appearance of the weapon.

It was a harpoon!

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