Doomsday has a chariot

Chapter 176 Escape into the dense forest

As Xiaoying said, these mutated birds look very similar to the sparrows that were common before the end of the world, but they are much larger, as big as an eagle.

Moreover, the claws and beak are very sharp, and there is a faint cold glow under the moonlight, and the hardness is obviously comparable to steel.

The auras of these mutated birds are not weak, and the lowest level is F level. Some of them have reached the peak of F level, or even half a step to E level.

But this evolutionary level is several times larger than the last three, which already have mutated birds the size of peacocks, but it is still obviously a big difference.

The aura of each of those three mutated birds is very frightening, and the energy fluctuations are also very strong. It is obvious that they are the three guys who have reached E level.

Naturally, there was nothing to talk about with these guys, so Liu Chen didn't waste any nonsense. He waved the alloy long knife in his hand and rushed over.

In the flash of sword light, the three mutant birds closest to them were split in half by Liu Chen's sword before they even let out their final screams.

Seeing the tragic death of their companions, the group of mutated birds became obviously angrier. They made piercing chirps and swarmed towards Liu Chen. However, they really had no intention of chasing the big black dog general who had already run away.

The three E-class mutated birds were not in a hurry to take action. Instead, they watched with cold eyes from behind. Their cold and violent eyes made Liu Chen look like he was looking at a dead person.

Once the beasts start to mutate and evolve, there will be an extremely obvious status gap.

Among this group of mutant birds, the three E-class guys are obviously the well-deserved kings. Naturally, they don't have to do everything themselves, they can just let the other mutant beasts under them do it.

It's a pity that the evolved wisdom of these three guys is obviously not high enough, and they can't tell how terrifying Liu Chen's strength is. It's simply not something that other mutated birds can handle.

If it was a fight to the death, dozens of mutated birds might still pose a certain threat to Liu Chen, but Liu Chen didn't even think about fighting a group of mutated birds in such an open field. He just had to entangle the opponent and give Dahei General Dog can just buy enough time.

So after killing two more mutated birds, Liu Chen quickly moved his body and rushed directly into the woods on the side.

Fighting against mutated birds in a wilderness without any obstacles would be too much of a disadvantage. Liu Chen, who had experience of surviving in the apocalypse in his previous life, naturally knew better than anyone how to neutralize the opponent's advantage in a battle.

It's a pity that the nearest village here is two or three miles away, otherwise fighting there would further limit the strength of the mutated birds.

Although these mutated birds are powerful, they have obviously not had many interactions with humans. Naturally, they do not know how cunning humans are, so they did not expect that Liu Chen would come like this while he was fighting, and he was a little stunned. , Liu Chen's figure had disappeared into the woods.

Afterwards, the mutated birds that reacted became even more furious, screaming and rushing into the forest after Liu Chen, including the three E-class birds.

There are no mutated birds chasing the big black dog. It is obvious that Liu Chen's interception plan has been completely successful. However, facing a large group of angry and fast-flying mutated birds chasing after them, it is not easy for Liu Chen to escape.

However, from the brief contact, Liu Chen has discovered that although these mutated birds have evolved a certain degree of intelligence, their IQ is obviously not enough. This may be the key to breaking the situation.

In terms of true strength, Liu Chen may not be a match for this group of mutated birds, but when it comes to IQ, these stupid birds together are obviously not enough.

After entering the woods, the speed and flight advantages of the mutant birds were suddenly weakened. Moreover, although their bodies became larger after the mutation, their strength has undergone earth-shaking changes, but at the same time they also lost the flexibility they had when they were small. sex.

After the end of the world, the trees were also affected by radiation. Not only did they grow stronger, but they also became extremely dense.

If the mutated birds choose to fly above, they won't even be able to see what's going on below, so they can only chase after Liu Chen.

With the help of the obstruction effect of the thick trees, Liu Chen successfully killed two mutant birds even though he had not used his telekinesis. This made the other mutant birds even more angry. Those three originally did not intend to do it themselves but considered themselves the kings. The staged E-class bird obviously couldn't bear the casualties suffered by his subordinates, and began to speed up, preparing to personally kill the hateful human in front of him.

But how could Liu Chen be stupid enough to fight head-on with these three E-class birds? After seeing the opponent's movements, he turned around and ran away. He used all his strength on his legs and ran all the way without giving the opponent the slightest chance to take action. .

There was nothing he could do about it. If his condition was at its peak, Liu Chen might be able to give it a try with these three E-class birds. But carrying that big rock like a macaw and walking such a long distance, Liu Chen could not help it. At least half of his strength has been consumed, and his current physical condition is not suitable for a hard fight.

Liu Chen ran and chased all the way, and unknowingly entered the depths of the woods.

After the purple radiation energy that suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth started the evolutionary mutation of the end of the world, the greenness of the entire world has changed dramatically compared to before.

Originally, the forest near the grain depot was very small, but now it has almost grown into a forest, and it has merged with the nearby mountains. It is impossible to see the end at a glance.

In such dense woods, it is very difficult to identify the direction. Especially Liu Chen is still running for his life, and he has no energy to pay attention to the direction. He just wants to completely kill the mutated birds that are chasing after him. Get rid of.

So after escaping for his life, Liu Chen depressedly found that he was lost.

He could only confirm now that he had entered the depths of the woods, and should even have begun to approach the mountains, but he had no idea in which direction he was.

The mutated birds behind him were still chasing him relentlessly, but after a long period of running, due to differences in evolutionary levels and strengths, those mutated birds below E level had been left far behind by Liu Chen. Only the three E-class guys still kept their original distance from Liu Chen, neither getting closer nor pulling away.

This made Liu Chen realize that it was impossible to get rid of these three guys with his current speed alone. On the contrary, as time went by, the other party would completely catch up with him.

Because in terms of physical strength, mutant beasts are much stronger than human evolvers, and so is their endurance.

At this thought, Liu Chen simply stopped and no longer chose to escape, but to fight with these three E-level mutant birds.

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