428Chapter Something went wrong

428Chapter Something went wrong

But even if it is more abrupt, he is also no way to understand, and now he wants to figure out where the problem is.

Because these situations are what he wants to understand, even if he is serious, there is no way to understand, so he must now figure out, in the end, which link is out of some situation.

The reason why in the usual time they did not go to consider, is because they do not have time, and today they happen to have time, so he studied, must go to understand these things in the end how the matter, if they come to these are no way to come, understand, then when the time comes out of the matter what they can do.

He really does not want to face some situation but there690 is no reason to solve, so he could see that these things were switched things must be dealt with to do, he could see that these things were switched and not particularly good these damask, in fact, most of them are some particularly confusing.

A lot of them are some rags, and even some are not as good as the color of the dye is not quite right, some of them are a lot of, really a search of the color are, really make yourself especially angry.

Now they do not like these things, and now they find themselves these things, is really touching up very easy to lose color more (cfbj) in addition to wear on the body is estimated to use not much time people are already sticky rate of color obviously these are not, all are some substandard.

But obviously these are bad resources, can be sold at a particularly high price, and appear in this superior a platform, how to say his heart is also particularly suspicious, he does not want to then appear some problems.

He now hopes that these people can understand these, in his eyes or quite effective, because of this he hopes to face a little, these are his heart wants to see understand.

“Why are these waterfalls actually appear here, and sold at such a high price, 10there is actually a medical batch, I see that these can not be broken, even if a hundred or so horses are not necessarily only one, these things even if sold for a copper I am too much.

Because these are all some rags are not at all useful, even to do rags are always losing color, simply is not qualified, do we say that if we wash something or brush something to let the fabric has been brushed off color? How to say it is also not possible, so these things even to do rags I dislike”

He is now very angry, he does not know exactly what went wrong, and he is now especially in looking at those crooked businessmen, why those crooked businessmen would actually do such a thing, has been in his heart will be angry inside, said remembering him this thing to feel special fire.

I didn’t think I would experience these things, his first1 time by others so bad, and now they want to go to understand how this is a situation, who at this time suddenly posed himself a make, and they are now must understand these things clearly.

If you can’t even understand these words, then you’ve really lived a lifetime in vain. It is for this reason that he must be patient to understand, and he even if these are not able to understand, or easier.

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