427Chapter good to hear

427Chapter good to hear

Although these people really have a particularly powerful skills, but he always felt that these mutual grudges or too much, because of this, some of his strangers can be careful.

The strict and especially serious kind of life is especially he wants to see, and he can now see that these people have some too ware Zhang some of these silks, said to learn is not very easy, but these people always feel that these things are too easy some, which is not a particularly good signal for him.

“Although these things are really quite easy to get the feeling, but then, these shipping is not very easy, you just look at the surface is particularly easy, in fact, this shipping process is really special hard, and we get these is also very good luck.

If we are unlucky, it is likely to lose all the money, so we have to be careful, absolutely no more accidents, I do not want everyone to lose money, I also hope that we can cherish a little, at least do not lose a lot of things again.

I hope you can pay attention, just then you can really understand these things? Perhaps you have no way to understand it, but I hope you can understand the value of some of them, at least my heart is really special sincere want to get to know with everyone,.”

He can see that these people really care about these maritime things, ah, they can also see now, these people really have eaten the sweet, but after eating the sweet, if these people are overwhelmed, then it is not a good thing, rather than not this sweet.

He wants to know that these people are so happy, then he might as well give these people deliberately to create some distress, how to say it is also necessary to let these people know some of the stakes.

Otherwise, it is not easier to appear some special headache, in short, for him these are not any good place, and himself on the contrary, in short, I hope that these inside can do to produce some special big risk, so that these people will not be particularly good scars to forget the pain, so that there will not be a lot of problems.

In short, in his eyes, more disasters is actually a good thing, always better than a lifetime of special time and space smooth water, if a person’s life is smooth, then this person is likely to be willing to be ordinary for life, a lifetime worth are themselves.

Such a life is very good, are not experiencing some big storms to be able to better go to the jianghu, which for him should have been so, as long as they can do a good job, then there is not a lot of situations.

“Good, I really quite reasonable, now I can see that we are really quite serious, but then, now to do more than these things should be, I hope we can be a little careful, this for me should have been so, if they can not pay attention to words, then is not more likely to accident, now (Wang Nuo’s) in I hope we can Attention is just a lot of trouble, for him in fact you do not need to avoid what.

Rather well to go to the open and honest to say some dangerous things, we now actually have a lot of danger, but we can not always say some good things, good news, perhaps a certain value, but then, if you only say some good things, but not to say those potential crisis, then when the time comes, the big things, we may regret too late

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