429Chapter and this situation

429Chapter and this situation

It’s just likely that some conditions will arise.

In short, he does not want to come to many conditions out of their own and can see that these cloth is really very poor material, at least really is not too easy to wear, not to mention that this is also so serious color loss?

Get these for him is also particularly easy, but now to do more than these things should be done, because he knows he has to do more things, he must let these people absorb some lessons to do, if these people to absorb lessons, may not have, then what is their own special happy place, to say this for him is not too easy, but now he must also be serious some At the very least, he does not want these people to be able to be particularly patient to get something done.

And now they also hope that these people in terms of materials do not make some moths again, if these people make some things again, then how their hearts may be particularly obsessive, and they are now willing, at least these are their own special want to see, if they can figure out, they actually will not be in trouble.

For him is also possible is the problem, is that this thing is really a special scourge big. If you can’t figure it out, then you are equivalent to being ridden by others to a head.

Immediately after he discovered that he has a lot of unknown secrets, and he now does not want to go to be known by anyone, but he has now been others income, then he is absolutely not able to be particularly willing to tolerate, he does not want to be so tolerant.

It is for this reason that he hopes he can pay a little attention to himself, and now especially want to be able to go well to see some of the situation, he does not want to be able to hold his breath, and there is no way.

So he must come up with some way, at least this problem must all be resolved, so he also has this idea in mind, because of this, he hopes in the heart to be able to write something.

This is a special kind of insult, he does not want to do such a thing, so he must go as far as possible to stop in time.

…… request flowers ………

It seems that he now has a sense of imperative in his heart, because he knows that he must get this done, if he does not get it done, then it is really equivalent to being rode on the head of others to shit, if such a thing appears all words, then they really do not have any mercy.



He does not want to be bullied by others, and now also hope to be able to go to these people to face properly, how to say their own as a man are not able to let themselves because of this matter and let their own family disgrace, so let their own family shame, their bureau under the building but do not allow such a thing to happen.

Because they are now hoping to make these people can sincerely do business, they have never encountered such a kind of crooked businessmen in the past, and now they are angry so also particularly angry, who in the end here with them to steal the slippery, they must figure out to do.

He could see that these people were particularly concerned about the situation. The,

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