458Chapter boss lady

458Chapter boss lady

“Three, two, one.” After Yan Yu said these three words, the whole room was silent for two seconds, in fact, they all know that it is impossible for someone to offer a higher price than this.

Yan Yu smiled and said: “Then the finale of this auction will go to the young master of the Jiang family Jiang, also according to what we said before that way, the last finale is given to the young master of the Jiang family by the boss’s wife, next let us welcome the young master of the Jiang family as well as the boss’s wife.”

When finished, the whole room cheered, including Su Chusheng and Liu Qing also quite curious, after all, the two of them are also more interested in seeing this so-called beautiful as immortal boss lady in the end is what role, can make that person at once threw seven thousand taels of gold.

And that Jiang Hu this time is also standing downstairs in the middle of the place, after all, spent so much gold, just for this side, and if not for him, these people do not have this opportunity to see this turn into the weekend beauty like a flower boss lady, naturally should stand in the middle of the position.

This time the whole room lights are darkened, only to see a person from the direction of the roof drifted down, she was a red dress, green silk hanging down on the shoulders, a good picture of the most beautiful appearance.

As she fell, the lights of the whole room began to be good again, everyone but finally met the legendary boss’s wife.

“Worthy of being able to say it, this boss lady is really the best looking woman I’ve ever seen.”

“I see that the previous hottest flower girl and she compared to this, and what the princess, also known as the capital’s first beauty, good-looking although good-looking, but if compared with this boss lady, or slightly inferior to some.”

Surrounded by people still have to talk down, after all, they are very much looking forward to ah, now see and still this beauty, of course, is to be good, a round of the.

The boss lady walked over to the young master of the Jiang family with the box, handed it to him and said: “Young master Jiang, right, thank you very much for giving us a face in this restaurant, and this last finale treasure belongs to you.”

She smiled beautifully and felt very polite.

The man took it over and smiled: “Jiangjia Jianghu, lucky to see the boss lady is not a waste of today’s 7,000 taels, I do not know the name of the boss lady?”

……… request flowers ……………

Originally this year they are to see the boss’s wife, now look at it is also affordable they say that the boss’s wife looks as beautiful as a fairy, on this little money can be how.

“Since young master Jiang has such a heart, A Yan will accept.” A Yan smiled, a smile tilted people’s city and then a smile tilted people’s country.

Maybe that’s exactly what it looks like.

The difference between these people who are enjoying the beauty of the boss’s wife are the two people upstairs.

“Do you think this seems like a person?” Liu Qing was a little surprised and patted Su Chusheng’s shoulder.

How do you suddenly feel as if you’ve seen a ghost, how long has that person been gone, but this mysterious boss lady and she is really almost very similar.

Su Chusheng said in silence: “Of course, I found out just now, but it should just be a coincidence, right?”

The world should not have such a coincidence, but in addition to the coincidence of their own currently do not know what reason to find to explain this thing, after all, this thing is really too strange, have to make people think a little more. The,

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