457Chapter Jiang family young master

457Chapter Jiang family young master

What followed was a flurry of bragging and histrionics, and after that was over it was time to start the day’s drama.

“The first is our boss’s wife previously found a treasure in the East China Sea, he is not what the legendary night pearl so vulgar, is a lamp, called the dragon core, as the name suggests, is the lamp is surrounded by the scales of the dragon and enclosed, the legend is that this lamp will never burn out, will always burn, the starting price, five hundred taels. “Yan Yu took the treasure in hand to do a detailed explanation.

Everyone began to talk, after all, the dragon is only in their legends have seen, it is only a legendary thing, no one has really seen the dragon and no one will really see the dragon, but after all, this thing is in front of them, they even if they do not believe it is 677forced to believe, since it is the case, it may be true.

But after all, it is an open door, some people in order to those so-called vanity, or will be reckless, but because this thing is really this thing, or no one knows, so in the end is an unknown rich young master only with a thousand taels, on this thing to shoot down.

After a lot of items, the last one is the so-called main event.

“The next is the auction of the finale of the baby, since it is said to be the finale, it must have its special (cfbj) special place, and win this baby will also be presented by the boss’s wife, before everyone for our knowledge of this restaurant, there is a beautiful boss’s wife, today will also let everyone to see the real face of the boss’s wife, “Yan Yu smiled, said so a bunch of words.

Then a shopkeeper touched a box, he opened the box and took out the treasure to show everyone, and then began her explanation: “This is the grand finale of the baby, the legend of the god Dan can raise the dead, perhaps we have heard a lot of such concerns, but this is a real god Dan, deer antler grass you should have heard of, it grows in the kind of extremely cold The deer antler grass is not the only one, but the people who can get him are really few and far between, and our boss’s wife was fortunate enough to get it some years ago, with a starting price of 1,000 taels of gold.

She smiled. Thinking about the origin of this deer fusion grass, it really makes people feel more afraid, if they have not witnessed it, is definitely not feel that this is worth so much silver.

We can’t help but begin to sigh, not to mention the deer antler grass is really fake, is the starting price of 1,000 taels of gold, is not an ordinary person can afford to pay.

But there are still people who go to the auction, after all, this last finale is their fame and reputation of the treasure, although they are not thinking of shooting, but just dry fame.

“Seven thousand taels of gold.” A voice resounded through the room.

Than just they jockeyed for three thousand taels of gold directly more than twice, so that everyone is dazzled, after all, there will not be anyone for a reputation to engage in a family of money.

And seven thousand taels, what a huge number, or gold.

Yan Yu smiled: “It seems that someone really knows the goods, if no one continues, then we have to shoot.”

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