459Chapter Test

459Chapter Test

“No matter what we should not let go of this one percent possibility, after all, we have lost her for a long time, if it is really her, must ask well where to go over the years.” Liu Qing made up his mind.

In any case, this matter in their two hearts has been a long time thing, originally thought that as long as they do not mention it will not have things “six seven seven”, but after so many years, she still appeared, although it may not be her, but as long as there is a possibility, they two will not give up.

“So what do you want? We can’t go directly to the side of people to ask it, I think you should not be impulsive to this point.” Su Chusheng nodded helplessly, if this thing is really so easy to do, the two of them do not need to be so worried, after all, is because of which to pay attention to many things.

Liu Qing smiled: “of course not possible, how can this kind of thing will be difficult for me, did you forget who said personally that I am a ghost idea special people, of course, I have this brain inside you can never think of a way, I have thought of a way.

Although he now seems unreliable, of course, this is really because in the eyes of Su Chusheng, because after all, in the eyes of others, he is still the dream lover of those beautiful girls, their own little brain can be clever, but this man around you do not believe in themselves, but this time the solution will definitely be thought out by themselves.

But Su Chusheng is also quite curious, but Liu Qing is not to tell himself, but when a few minutes later when he saw Liu Qing and Yan Yu downstairs together talking and laughing when he guessed, he said respectively way is Yan Yu.

After all, Yan Yu and the boss’s wife was born together, and decades of life together, if the mysterious boss’s wife, it should be this Yan Yu most understanding, but they are quite curious about one thing is Liu Qing and people just have development, he went so deceitful, if found, so long efforts are not wasted?

Just now he should remind, otherwise when something happens not only to blame themselves, but also nothing to find themselves crying, he can not stand, so it, for their own future, he should also just remind a sentence.

“I see that your boss’s wife can be really famous mania Chang’an today.” Liu Qing finally introduced the topic.

After all, his purpose is here it, otherwise it would not have taken so long to lay out here, is not afraid to suddenly say it may be a little offensive.

“What? Are you also attracted to the boss’s wife?” Yan Yu did not doubt in the slightest, but also some teasing him.

After all, the boss’s wife’s beauty is also acknowledged by those who react to their own is also seen exactly the same, so of course it is 19nothing remarkable, only did not think that Liu Qing will also be attracted by the boss’s beauty.

“Although I do not deny that your boss’s wife is indeed very good-looking, but I think Miss Yan has another feeling that may be what attracts me. “Liu Qing denied, even if he is to spy, but also can not be misunderstood by Yan Yu.

Otherwise, when the news did not arrive, they also lost something, which is not a great loss.

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