437Chapter Betrayal

437Chapter Betrayal

I don’t bother with you, if you mess with us again because of this matter, don’t be afraid of my East China Sea tens of thousands of troops mutiny, this is what you forced us to do, I hope you can be more conscious, think twice before you act, today’s matter will not be bothered with you for the time being, later I will take him back.”

East Sea Dragon King looked at the East Sea Prince pale, as well as just bandaged wounds, the heart is a burst of twitching, followed by a word will be this kind of people and their own all isolated, this muddy water will never again Zhao once.

Not only can not a little good, and even a riot, it is better to return to the East China Sea inside the peace and quiet, holding a small wife living their own little life is not very comfortable, even if someone comes to commit, that day by day training of the East China Sea tens of thousands of troops is not a joke.

Moreover, the minds of those people really see too much, before there were some ah, mind in it, now is completely all by their words to a clean, in the day new day up, they did not listen to their own words, and did not stand in a fair perspective to deal with this matter, but rather listened to the words of those people east and west of the pandemonium, is simply unbearable.

The Jade Emperor also does not know what to eat, even this little thing is not organized well, so poor atmosphere, how the Heavenly Court is how to survive, it is simply mind-boggling, they are actually doing these things under him.

Rather early with his old age, as for the East China Sea Prince is naturally let him on his own position, but definitely will not let him go back to serve in the Heavenly Court.

After all, there is an endless abyss, if you go, there may be some bad things, rather than let him stay away from the peace and quiet of this life, to complete his so-called dreams, or go over to accept the bondage of those things.

Tai Shang Laojun still has some good feelings for the East Sea Dragon King, after all, is also many years of old friends, the two people also know everything.

For his mood at the moment is also quite understandable, but he did so, then they are not able to go to him often to catch up, so think of some regret, and said.

“East Sea Dragon King you really think clearly, you know you used to be always looking forward to be promoted ah, for this reason you are serious about doing so many years, now say push through on push through, do not you feel sorry?

Besides, this thing is really everyone is too impulsive, after all, they are not the nature of a day or two.

PS: the new author, the new book for care and support (Wang Wang’s) support, you guys move your rich little hands point collection, more subscriptions! Subscriptions! Ask for flowers! Request for evaluation!!!!

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