436Chapter Wordless Book of Heaven

436Chapter Wordless Book of Heaven

No matter how he still did not it, I do not need to say it myself, so as not to waste time.

Perhaps God is more favorable to the two of them, soon the two of them met, the girl helplessly said: “What is this place? How come there is nothing.

I don’t know if he came to know this place in the end before, otherwise the two of them would not have come to this point.

“I don’t know, find a way to get out, better not get lost.” He’s still very calm as a person.

Here is where it is not important, the important thing, the two of them can go out is a very good thing, after all, what is important where people are, but the two of them out or very important25.

They do not know where this is in advance, so the possibility of the two of them getting lost is great, ah, after all, they are now getting lost.

The girl said helplessly: “What can be done? You are so smart, how in this matter confused.

I don’t know if he is out to play the pressure is too much, has been in the wrong, out of the wrong also forget, but the two of them now will not be because of this matter quarrel dead, they both have more important things to do.

Forget it”, hurry up and think about how to get out, now and I quarrel is not the point.” He the man still does not hurt to say.

Who is right and who is wrong is no longer important, the main thing is how the two of us are going to go out, if we can not now unite as one, then if the two of them can not get out, it is not more finished.

The girl thought about it and suddenly snapped her fingers, “Let’s stroll in first and see if we can meet others.”

He really has nothing to do, but it is impossible to sit back and wait for death, and it is impossible to just let it go.

“That’s fine, let’s go.” He the man nodded.

This is not to mention how depressed, because this thing happened really let him too tangled some, so much so that his heart is particularly painful, because of this he does not want to do a generation than, and this time their pressure is really too much, so they naturally do not want to appear when any incident, any thing is not able to happen.

He did not feel that here will meet others, in addition to the two of them, generally if there are others, they two just found a long time ago, and will not wait until now.

And the only reason he agreed was that he felt that there was really no point in being here and wanted to go for a stroll, not because he agreed with his idea.

Two people left at once, after all, they both are the action faction said when they must do, two people began to stroll around inside the woods, looking or quite large, but they both still want to go out.


PS: the new author, the new book for care and support, you guys move your rich little hands point collection, more subscriptions! Subscriptions! Ask for flowers! Evaluation!!!!

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