438Chapter Regret

438Chapter Regret

If you are really gone, I’m afraid they will be more unrestrained than before,

If you are in, you can still manage them, and now you are gone, who can manage them, who can talk about those things so well, and a line in the end will certainly be able to retain you,

Now that the West Sea side of things may be implicated in you, you really no longer think about it? I think there are opportunities to redeem things not as absolute as you say, and after experiencing this thing, you can also apply to the Jade Emperor, when they want you to do what can not do. 660″

East Sea Dragon King did not say something, but the meaning in the eyes has been very obvious, do not want to say so many words to push through this thing, since you now also think not to say some words of retention, rather than peace and quiet, maybe this time is really to let go of it.

Also know that they just really is too much, but at least they first have really first, why now the East Sea Prince this thing, all the fault is their own fault it, this trick makes really good ah.

If you say that there is no conspiracy, even they do not believe (cfbj), but they actually now have to rely on the presbyopia, to know that recently also fought with their own for a long time, but also only when dealing with Lin Xuan will be the same enemy, usually when they are looking at each other.

But I think in my own mind or, if it is true to say the words may be, you like how I look at these, after all, just the thing has been explained.

“Since the East Sea Dragon King you also next sentence, we are not good too much to stop this thing, I think it is also after you think deeply before you make the decision, although we feel very sorry for him this thing is really too unfortunate some, but he thought of hope that these people can think twice before they act, at least this thing really has room for maneuvering.

But is your decision we have no right to interfere, just hope you can think twice before you act, not so all forms, although the beginning of this thing is the starting point of everyone on the wrong, but these things because everyone is led by the nose,

So there will be these things, but also because of this thing is really too sudden, we are confused for a while, completely did not think there will be so many reasons in it, so there may be some friction and disputes,

I hope you can fully understand, not that because of misunderstanding you, so angry want to leave or go home to return home this kind of thing for you is really indifferent but for the daily is a big loss as the King of Tota also just want to persuade you.

PS: the new author, the new book for care and support, you guys move your rich little hands point collection, more subscriptions! Subscriptions! Ask for flowers! Evaluation!!!!

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