418Chapter: each opinion, do not give way to each other

418Chapter: each opinion, do not give way to each other

“You do not need to say, your mind in the end in what is thinking do I still do not know, this matter I temporarily help you through, at the same time I also hope that you can fulfill the agreement that I said with you.”

These people now have no leisure time and Song Yang they gossip here, time is life, these people do not want to suddenly in the spatial barriers will be completely exploded at the moment here in pieces.

While slowly injecting their lightning attribute elemental power into the 643space of the entire spatial barriers, and then in the distance away from those slowly rotating spatial barriers began to slowly emit their energy throughout the interior of the spatial barriers.

The reason why the interior of the spatial barrier will appear out of balance, mainly because the entire spatial barrier inside the slowly rotating space-time vortex drew away a large number of originally should belong to Song Yang and some of the true qi they applied to the interior of the spatial barrier.

Although Song Yang their own true qi belongs to the dark attribute elemental power, and these people’s own true qi belongs to the lightning attribute elemental power, two (cfbj) different elemental power simply can not be completely integrated in a certain degree.

But this does not affect the process of easing the balance of the entire spatial barrier due to subtle changes in the elemental forces within the barrier itself.

“Now I am doing my best to slowly release the elemental power of the lightning attribute around me in the entire spatial barrier, you must control the elemental input inside the entire spatial barrier at the most critical moment.

There is also the space barrier elemental power itself has been made small enough by you, I hope you can do your best to make the space barrier elemental power bigger and bigger now!”

These people in tightly frowned thinking for a long time after finally at this time opened their mouths to Song Yang who is trying to manipulate the spatial barriers.

“These people, are you crazy?! Seeing that the stability of the spatial barriers now has not been completely resolved, you let me use the excess dark elemental attribute power in the expansion of the spatial barriers on this matter?

Do you know that my own darkness attribute power has now been absorbed by these spatial barriers almost? Even if I expand the entire spatial barriers for a second time, will it be able to solve this problem that has appeared so far?”

Obviously, this time Song Yang they feel very disapproved of the idea that these people put forward, and even that these people are completely nonsense.

But these people just slowly shook their heads, while continuing their own work at hand, while raising their heads and Song Yang and the two of them carefully analyze the current situation to.

In fact, “you seem to let their thinking into a kind of thinking circle, do you know that the space barrier itself for the stability of the space requirements are actually not so high.

Mainly because you join the space barrier inside the slowly rotating space-time vortex, the space-time vortex itself powerful suction is constantly absorbing the elemental attributes of the power you put in the space barrier.

Under this and the other, the outer space power has slowly begun to outweigh the elemental power inside the space barrier, so there is instability.

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