419Chapter Strong

419Chapter Strong

The feeling in the heart of Song Ma ah, really is particularly solid, now their hearts do not want to go and these people in excessive to speak, these things should not be counted on too much to do, and now want to go and these people well to do some things in life, everything should be down to earth to do, so that the words will not appear some problems, and their hearts do not want to let these inside to themselves. The actual fact is that you will not be able to get a lot of trouble.

“Yes, yes, Master I have been wrong, I really know now wrong, in the jianghu feud things I no longer want to get involved, if one day I will leave this world, then these jianghu things may be over, but then, I hope my grandson can be raised under my care.

So I hope you can open up, even if you let me do cattle and horses can also be, even if I do not have enough food and clothing all day I am willing, the main thing is to let my grandson in my, oh, I just want to grow up slowly on it, he is particularly innocent, and I do not want to let him suffer ah.

Song Yang saw this touch those without any ripples, in fact, he has long thought that this thing will happen, but this time, he believes that this old man should not be willing to get up to read, after all, this person has been considered self-absorbed for a long time, and this guy is also really too much some, to say that all of these are made by him.

I can’t blame others, and now these things, it is also true that people know that there are some troubles, these people do things can be considered, but this family I always have to now money so that others have some no way to bear, and now they are difficult to bear such a feeling, is that I feel that originally let their own special humble.

And now they want to go and these kinds of seem to be to say something about this, it is a pity that this old man was not a particularly kind person, this person was very grumpy, this time this thing can really be considered a stab.

In short, the relationship between them is still relatively good, this time he had no way to help, said only regret to tell this digital, can only seek their own good fortune. The next old man in the end is willing to agree to down, is completely to see the old man in the end there is no some kind heart, if there is no some kind heart, then this guy will certainly be in trouble, and death is also possible, how to say this kind of thing are some excessive, and now this person is also very likely to be very severe punishment.

…… is asking for flowers…

PS: the new author, the new book for care and support, you guys move your rich little hands point collection, more subscriptions! Subscriptions! Ask for flowers! Evaluation!!!!

It’s up,

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