417Chapter won’t buy it

417Chapter won’t buy it

He also spoke very patient, but it is clear that these people are not too buy, these people seem to think he is deliberately taking these people to learn the fun, but they have never thought about this aspect of things.

Because these people say this thing is really not even dare to imagine, but this time they do not know these people in the end will not make some perverse actions, these things they do not want to come out, so rash understanding, and they are now thinking that if these sides are really not able to think about their own ideas, then they will certainly be good up to say these people.

And now they want to go, as soon as possible to do these things, because these things are very easy, and they want to go this time to see these people in the end can not do things down to earth.

In short, for him this is particularly useful, the hope of victory is also particularly easy to get, and this time they want to know something most, because these things are originally very valuable, as long as they can know these things, get their own everything can go smoothly.

This time he is also thinking that if by then he can feel happy, perhaps this means that he will think a little, but then, he does not know what will happen in the future, but also do not know these people do things in the end is the biggest or wrong, so he can only put these rewards, and some promises all in his mouth.

And so on in the future if there is some possibility that these people really bring a lot of benefits to themselves, they are not willing to spend some money to reward these people, at least to go out to eat a good meal, is also not to let these people toss a meal for nothing, said this thing is really particularly useful.

Just as he is also intended, if these people are really able to make things, in the past, they really need to reward, but then these people in the end can not do to make things, can not when always think that they really do not want to understand, so they need to ask these people in the end can not do this thing more sure of some.

Otherwise then this project is no way to complete, at the same time they do not want to let these people delay the progress of things, at the same time they think if these people are really delayed this thing, then they will be all of these people capital class play well to tear a meal, this is very important.

If these people are really feeling, dare to do so, then I myself can not really tolerate these people, at least these people do things are not very authentic, and they may really be unwilling to do this for nothing by others to bully.

PS: budding new (king good) author, the new book for care and support, you guys move your rich little hands point collection, more subscriptions! Subscriptions! Ask for flowers! Evaluation!!!!

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