408Chapter Understanding

408Chapter Understanding

“Yes, this guest is really masculine character behind is so sensible understand reasoning it, I should also thank you for your generosity and tolerance, your disregard, and your gentleman’s heart, but sorry guest, I have only one advantage of this person said, that is, I never rely on their own, this kind of thing I never do.” Yan Yu faintly said.

She just started to be obviously mocked a little, and only later is really talking, Yan Yu really want to laugh, this person really think he is what role? Give yourself what the so-called love, they also have to thank him three to nine kowtow? Then he is also too shameless, after all, this thing is really his fault.

The second half of the sentence, she also has a clear expression to refute this sentence, she will not rely on anything else to solve643, what she wants to say is that it has always relied on their own feelings, after seeing some things, she does not like to be in this occasion.

“Why don’t you little girl get a clue.”

“I think you’re doing it on purpose.

Have not waited for the big man around, some of those around the people began to attack Yan Yu, from a comprehensive direction to say.

Yan Yu smiled: “What do I care? What I care about is how long I can go back tonight.” He did not want to waste time in the car, because these people do not deserve, and there is no that must (cfbj) to let him waste time instead of wasting time here, why not leave those time to go with the boss to explain well explained explanation.

Although, the boss is not in, she has a lot of rights, but this thing should also be said with the boss, after all, is really a very big thing, if this person is really unmanageable words, in the end is not nine floors, what impact, then, they can be a sin for a moment of verbal pleasure, actually put this kind of people offended on

This kind of villain is the most difficult to serve.

“I see you are not giving face? “The big man was also a little upset.

After all, he has given this woman a step down, but she does not grasp, it seems that her attitude is so determined, or a dead head, which they have no way, he is now the last time to give a step, if she does not grasp the words, there is nothing you can do.

Yan Yu smiled: “so many people in it, how dare I not give you face, but things always have to have a solution, you see we solve things, and then break up, is not it?”

She also saw that this person is trying to make things bigger, of course, they are not afraid of, after all, said she is not doing anything bad, this thing is not because of him, she has nothing to care about.

But she is now facing a very unreasonable people, she is really afraid of fear, so unreasonable people she has not seen a few, and not a woman, actually a big man, she really have nothing to say, a big man is not twisted, so can say, she is also rare very.

So they choose not to talk to him, if they continue to talk as if it is really their own fault, and she is not wrong, she can not be continued to talk about,

She is now also too lazy to say more, after all, you will always and a person who does not understand the words is no way to communicate, she now feels that this person has a problem with the brain, so she is too lazy to continue to say.

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