407Chapter Stalemate

407Chapter Stalemate

And those people are also watching the hilarity, there is no position of their own, watching the hilarity does not feel that things are big, they said the words are probably helping, and do not care who is right and who is wrong, just want to see what things develop into, so they do not even know to be responsible for their own words and this sentence, soon began to be said.

“Yes, I do not know what is going on, I think this brother is also right, after all, we are all here to eat, what makes that table of people have special treatment, if you can not do a fair treatment, what restaurant.

After all, it is said that such places as restaurants, mixed with fish and dragons, is also the easiest place to get into trouble, although it is said that a little bit of silver is the master these days, but the light earn a person’s silver, is certainly a stupid idea.

So stability and others inside, this time is particularly important, because I have to say that this is also an art, but also a very difficult thing to do, because you do not know what kind of people you will meet, will encounter how difficult things, like today.

Also”, this kind of thing to say just a little, actually and the guests to say what a long time, really do not know how to be polite,.” Someone continued to say.

After all, they are as a guest said, near the vermilion red near the ink black, the world’s crows are generally black, are the same kind of people, of course, is also standing in their own position, in fact, not really a position, is with the wind down it, they like but is lively.

“Yes, no matter what, you can not say guests, too rude.” Constantly someone echoed.

The big man very proudly said: “Little girl, everyone’s eyes are bright, what did and did not do is not your say so, but I must also be responsible for it, so, you give me an apology, these two things will be over.”

He acted as if he was very generous, but in fact, it is still taking advantage of it?

He is just using the psychology of others, made this kind of thing, and now come to themselves and show off.

In fact, the big man did not think too much, but her character is not the kind of person who can be particularly patient, wasting so long, in fact, is already his limit, so he does not want to waste time, but honestly, he does not want to lose face.

After all, things are so big, it seems to be a little bit of a negative impact on him, so he must not push this thing on himself, she just gave himself an apology, he also gave her a step down, between the two people things like this, they are not what a small-minded person, there is no point in going on.

“What a know-it-all.”

Some people started discussing it again, after all, in their eyes, that big man really knows how to behave.

Yan Yu laughed, she did not know (Wang? good) why she just want to laugh, is very want to laugh, especially want to laugh, do not know why so funny.

Give her a step down? The words so sincere look, but it seems that they should not change the Ming to accept it, look at him that things are done look, really let people have nothing to say.

Things are definitely going to get done, but the process and the way is very important, so she also does not need this kind of pretentious concern.

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