409Chapter Upgrade

409Chapter Upgrade

“I have to say, the play, sung quite well, but I think your words are also too bad, right? When have I ever performed bad service to you?” Yan Yu laughed and said.

He these self-directed play, indeed, but honestly can not enter his own he acted after all, she these poor tricks with their own to compare, is really a lot worse, even if not to mention these on his these small tricks, they have long used, really think ginger or old spicy do I now the world, is the world of young people.

She did not do anything bad, at best, it is only to talk back to the customer, where to so many problems? If he did not have to add his own hat, but this hat or not should also be their own choice, after all, the hat is on their own head, if she does not want, she does not think there will be anyone can force the hat on their head.

If she does not want to, no one can also have no door, after all, this is her head, this hat ha, with or without or he said forget it? Otherwise, if you have the ability to take his head down, this way he can not make the decision, but as long as this head or their own then what can appear on it is to decide for themselves.

“I am not an unreasonable person, at first you have preferential treatment for that seat guests, and then I asked the shopkeeper to ask what is going on? But your shopkeeper did not speak at all, these people are also in the eyes, and then you came out, sarcastic and some other words to me, these do you deny all? Then to now to drive you and me out.” The big man this time is very clear, said the head is the way.

Since all the noise has come to this point, there is no need to hold back, anyway, he said these are the facts, just so many people watching the hilarious know, not yet lying, anyway, what he has to fear.

Even if today is really a farce, he was kicked out of the words, he at least have their own purpose to do a certain impact, and this person will certainly be driven away, he does not believe that this restaurant still dare to want this kind of people.

Yan Yu smiled, this person does not seem to be as stupid as she thought, actually know how to use this method to refute themselves, but what is the use of the fact that has become a foregone conclusion, his cleverness is just a small cleverness, their own cleverness is the real cleverness.

…… for flowers,

“The guest is right, but the premise of all this is that our shopkeeper said, I do not serve food, but you had to let her call me here, so you are hiding this thing? “Yan Yu smiled a smile and said

So there are loopholes in the words, a listen to hear out, and do not need him to strengthen the tone of the bar, originally the shopkeeper said, they are exclusively open, but this person must insist, so there are now things, if to say that they are not afraid, after all, he is very justified.

“This, it seems that indeed I have heard, the store boy did say that this girl does not belong to the scope of their serving dishes.”

This time there were people present before the quietly said, after all, this kind of thing, we are watching a hilarious, of course, is able to take this thing forward the development of the better, the more fun but may be so casual said did not care what. The,

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