322Chapter hurt the brain

322Chapter hurt the brain

Originally such a thing, and they do not have much to do with it, but they still have to do it, must want to deal with some of these things, must be to solve some of these things ah, otherwise this way not only will be embarrassed, there are other people will be embarrassed, right, so this kind of people want to go to get some of this situation, it is not impossible Some of the things”

The system to their own delivery of these messages, their own almost every moment in listening to some of such news, if not because they 25know they must listen to his more or less those words, then perhaps they do not know what they have become now, quite helpless, there is no way to imagine my kind of look, and do not know how to I don’t know how to solve some simple problems like this, it’s a headache, some things like this.

However, when he speaks, in front of this so-and-so did not hear the voice of their favorite one, this is so they do not have a way, must need to explore some of the problems, may really be what things have been about to happen, but if they do not have a way to solve the words, will indeed be very very bad, mainly because he will not be possible to make such some of the The thing once again followed by the bad up, or will only make them more helpless, more headache up.

So this kind of people themselves because of the consideration of such a variety of elements of this kind of reason, they are not particularly tired of such a thing, and even have a sense of adaptation to life and death, they do not know they somehow, how to have such a feeling, but can remind themselves is that they must go to deal with these things, or else this look The first thing you need to do is to get rid of these things, otherwise you will be very, very embarrassed.

“I don’t know, well, I don’t really understand such a situation, really if something like this appears in front of me again, I may really not know something like this again, if there is no such thing, I am really a bit surprised, the premise can go The main thing is that the people in front of me, such a person, he is always reluctant to participate in some of these, obviously very simple things to tell me, but he is still not willing to go to admit their identity, I 550already know, but he is not willing to let such an identity to tell me, you say I do not headache such things ah, And you have already seen in front of the screen, what I was thinking, you can not also know it”

Ye Tian finally finally said such a sentence party building words, is really a bit to let their own surprise ah, if their hearts in the end in what words, have been he knew, then they are really a bit embarrassed, a bit of no way to imagine the consequences of this kind of me, I guess you feel headache is even no way to imagine that kind of degree.

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