321Chapter defeat

321Chapter defeat

His smile is very sarcastic, so that the opposite of those people feel very uncomfortable.

Do not want to conceive the opposite in this case, I thought Liu Qing was laughing at them, so they are also people without any culture, can only do things by their own imagination, it is inevitable that Liu Qing will feel what malice they have.

“It seems that you want to suffer?” Wang Hu turned his hand inside the knife “five fifty”, if nothing else, said,

Dare to say to him that there is no silver, at such a critical moment, if not looking for death, then what is in?

If his expression is a little more real, showing a little more fear, Wang Hu may believe that he really is afraid to lie, or simply no silver.

But he so careless look, Wang Hu is also really no way to believe that he is not deliberately catching himself, if so, then he does not have to be merciful, after all, it is not worth it, they are at least a bandit, should do something and identity in line with the things.

Liu Qing smiled pretending to be afraid and asked, “Then you are prepared to make me suffer?”

Really do not understand the emotions, no meaningful ah, how to say it on the fight to kill it, but even if the fight to kill can not beat him, can not kill him, and what is the use of it.

“Hand over the silver everything is fine, but if you do not hand over, I have no choice, we can only follow the rules,” Wang Hu said coldly.

His identity is a bandit, no matter what he can not put the real thing to forget, although just look at the two of them a little thing, but that is only just now, now he needs is silver.

Liu Qing also began to return to normal, he said coldly, “I just did not, you can put me how?”

He does not want to continue to play, after all, these people are so unemotional, if the accidental injury to him can do? Might as well get out of here and go find a good place to stay for a while.

“Then I’m sorry, I’m going to do it.” Wang Hu finished lifting the knife, but not before the people, a gust of wind came to meet them all, knocked down several of them.

“Ding Dong”

“Hey, what’s going on.”

Those few people lying on the ground screaming, they are really somehow, did not feel anything, was beaten out….

“I’ve said you can’t do anything to me, why do you have to move your hands and feet on me?” Liu Qing helplessly looked at them and said.

This is not his hand, if you want to say that he moved, he is too wronged a bit.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

“Ahem, so Your Excellency has really been teasing us.” Wang Hu said coldly as he struggled to stand up.

The two people are really cheating1.9, but they are just on this side of the people, but they have the capital to cheat, after all, they are so good at martial arts, just now clearly can leave, why I have been here to tease them?

Liu Qing laughed: “teasing is not to talk about, just now, but you have been trying to rob me,

Although he was just a little naughty, but what he said is also the truth.

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