323Chapter 1 Works

323Chapter 1 Works

Song Ma thought about it and felt that this thing is still necessary to change more, how he said he is hoping that he can do a good job of these things, and he is now hoping to really understand some of the intentions, for him this is also of great use. As long as one’s heart can communicate well with these people.

In fact, in his eyes is also a great value, and he now also want to go and these people to maintain a particularly good game, at least in his eyes this is quite useful, and he is now also want to reveal the body to such a state, and these people can do their best to say something, and can do everything.

I do not know they are particularly happy, and their hearts will produce a particularly pleasant feeling in their hearts, which would have made them particularly happy, and they are now sure of one thing, is that they can really do these things.

As long as they can deal with these things, then they will be particularly willing, and they now want to go and these people to follow up properly.

“Well, well, now this thing has progressed to such a point, we must also change a little fireworks thing, is30 above the continent, how to say we do not have to appear again such a kind of problem, and I now also hope that you people, do not put these fireworks in the mind again, after all, these fireworks thing is too much to make people feel Shame on you.

The occurrence of such a thing is our common responsibility, so we in can not be reckoned with, if you are reckoned with, will always bring a special feeling of resentment, we should not want everyone’s feeling.

Said came to go to the Pacific Ocean to threaten Wang Dao when these problems occur, and obviously in his eyes even this is also very normal, for him the fireworks thing is too terrible, in his eyes that side of the write a very important role, and he is now hoping to change all the problems as soon as possible.

When they can deal with these, then when the other things are also able to get a particularly smooth solution, for him it is also very clear that it is also useful, as long as it is possible to really understand these people’s ideas, then all the problems will be solved, and there is no conflict can appear.

After all, if people’s needs are met, there will not be any conflicts, if people’s needs are not met, but are offended by the interests, then only into more conflicts.

PS: budding author, the new book for care and support (Lee Lee’s), you guys move your rich little hands point collection, more subscriptions! Subscriptions! Ask for flowers! Evaluation!!!

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