312Chapter Unforgettable

312Chapter Unforgettable

He is actually very desperate in his heart, he really did not think he would experience these, in his eyes such things, really let especially his hard, and he now wants to come to terms with these things, really, in his eyes this point originally let him especially painful, but now they are also in the best possible way to change.

The good thing is that these people have now forgiven themselves, but their own hearts also suffered a great humiliation, for him such a feeling of humiliation is he will never forget, but he has no way, because he has to live here.

He has to rely on these people to give themselves some drinks, rely on these people to give themselves some scraps of food, so that they and their loved25 ones live, so that they can solve all of it all, and their hearts will actually be particularly well thought of, for them these would have been particularly useful.

If they can let themselves live well, in fact, Song Ma is particularly happy in his heart, for Song Ma, as long as they can let themselves live, then they will be able to feed their grandchildren, as long as there is a time you eat after the meal grandchildren will be able to eat a full meal.

If you can have a day to soar, your grandson can also benefit from the light, how to say they are to let their grandson live a good life, even if they do not eat well, they have to unlock can give their grandson a better life.

Because this is a particularly poor child, their own grandson, the previous life is still relatively good, and then because they did something wrong, the results of the family so big things, so that their grandson is now not enough to eat and wear, and now their grandson is only eight or nine years old, but the whole day hunger a full meal, is really particularly painful.

All said and done, they also hope to be able to live such a good life, at least they do not want to add some pain, and they are really too poor people some, which makes people have a particularly uncomfortable feeling, he does not want his grandson again what happened, his grandson has no parents since childhood, life is particularly difficult, if not with their own fears will also be Starve to death, but he did not take his grandson want any happiness,

As a grandmother he does not want to keep appearing in such a state, and he is now hoping to bring his grandson to live a life of food and clothing, not to seek glory and wealth, even if it is to live a life of food can be, but unfortunately they always eat a full meal.

The grandson is often beaten and scolded for his own trouble, which is quite pathetic to say the least.


PS: the new author, the new book for care! A variety of 360degrees of all-around deathless begging all kinds of heroes and heroines collection! Subscriptions! Ask for flowers! Request evaluation! Seeking all support!!!

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