311Chapter Making Requests

311Chapter Making Requests

Su Chu Tian also did not speak, faintly looking at Lan Rou Rou, waiting for her to speak, he now has no way to communicate with Liu Qing, the whole a colorful and bold guy.

“Alas, you two so good relationship can not because I have any change disability. “Blue Ruo Rou suddenly laughed as if it was a joke, then she said: “To be frank, I just do not want to be caught back “five thirty-seven”, you also saw my situation, but I do have a part because you saved me I think you guys are very good people I want to be friends with you.”

She is not a casual person, but today look at the two of them is more and eye contact, and I do not know how the two of them are like magic, they just want to be close to them.

Liu Qing and Su Chu Tian looked at each other, coldly grunted.

The two of them know best what it means, how can they start arguing because of a woman, which is absolutely impossible, unless that person is very fond of.

But they and Lan Zorou are just a casual acquaintance is not so great kindness, and now it is just a casual joke, so it’s no big deal.

“In that case, a gentleman does not impose on others, since you feel so embarrassed, then we will recognize you as a friend. “Su Chu Tian smiled lightly.

This little girl’s body will definitely have a lot of secrets, I do not know why, Su Tian is this feeling, since the business is also resolved, some words should be said or to say,

Liu Qing also smiled at the side and spoke: “I wonder if the girl will be willing to appreciate the face?”

“Of course I would love to.” Lan Rou Rou said happily.

She is also very surprised, after all, Su Chu Tian’s face a look at the feeling is not good, originally thought that they certainly will not agree, but did not expect them to actually agree, but also so painful.

“Good, from now on you can come to us if you need anything.” Liu Qing smiled and said,

They at least protect a little girl should be able to protect, if they really become friends with them to help them is certainly their share of things to do,

Lan Rou Rou smiled and said: “Well, thank you for the future, but if so called, it is not as painful as the three knotted knots in the peach garden, you say?”

She would like to see what they can say, after all, she is also a big girl like a flower, how can refuse her request it…

Liu Qing looked at Su Chu Tian, after all, this big thing he still can not make the decision, or need to ask Su Chu Tian, otherwise there is no way to ask him,

Lan Rou Rou’s eyes also turned to Su Chu Tian with Liu Qing, so that all eyes were on Su Chu Tian.

“After all, I’m not very familiar with it, it’s not a good idea to do so.” Su Chu Tian smiled lightly.

He still thinks this1.9 thing he needs to think about, after all, some sudden, and such a general thing is a ghost.

Blue Rourou instantly deflated and said: “But Liu Bei and the three of them are not very familiar with the A before they tie the knot. How can we not?” She will not give up, give up is the performance of a coward, this kind of thing has what to say.

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