313Chapter strange and exotic beasts!

313Chapter strange and exotic beasts!

Kidola was a kind of exotic beast, and they are now for this guy is also I can not stand, in fact, for them, this year is originally terrible words, and they are now necessary to go well to study the results of this pull in the end should go how to treat.

How to say that this is quite necessary, mainly to be able to deal with these, they will actually be slightly solid in his heart, and he now also want to be able to become a special down-to-earth may do things, mainly to be able to become a special down-to-earth willingness to work people, all is able to face the better.

And he will actually have a special happy feeling in his heart, to be able to do this is also to make him especially happy, at the same time he does not want at all, to deal with these things are particularly inappropriate.

If the time really is to make this thing particularly uncomfortable, then their hearts will actually be particularly reluctant to say how, for them are particularly miss him, so they hope to be able to patiently deal with these things, to deal with all of these things are particularly meaningful.

Song Ma’s heart can not mention how happy, they now have a feeling of a great victory, their own heart side really happy, they got a lot of bounty, their own money is now completely their own grandson to buy a warm clothes, and can buy a warm shoes, it can be seen that their grandson has frozen.

This winter months of these grandchildren but wearing particularly thin summer clothes, and clothes are also tattered, in fact, is also particularly bad or grandson health has long been the sector fever, and even some fainting situation.

To be honest, this age of children is most afraid to move, they are now such an age of people should actually wear a special warm and warm, summer time wear a special cool and fast how to say, this is particularly necessary, but in this cold winter months.

Their own grandson wear wear so thin, mainly to make their own some heartache, fortunately they now have some money, enough to buy their grandson a few clothes, but they do not want to buy, they can go to buy some cotton, and then you go to find some cloth to material.

I can see that he is also more handy, he must be able to say a special thick warm clothes, of course, this is the clothes must be well to protect it, absolutely not to be able to destroy, otherwise there are some holes, in fact, will not look good.

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