308Chapter Burden

308Chapter Burden

At this time, the young grandmother suddenly did not laugh, Song Ma saw this scene in front of the twelfth spirit, he knew that this is the calm before the storm, they used to do at least the young lady, know what is called this thing.

She also knows that people in a particularly angry outburst of emotions, will suddenly have a period of time will be particularly calm, so naturally, they are now also understand what kind of scene they will enter next, what they will encounter next, he knows what he will encounter.

In the old days when they were the young lady, in fact, they also treated their subordinates in this way, and then slowly they have lost their temper, because their own home to the middle of the fall, and they are slowly not so much pressure bending, a lot of meals were forced to be driven out, because those girls have no way to come, food and clothing, so they have no way to feed so many people in that orphanage, and slowly they The orphanage was left with only him and his father, and his poor child.

Later, his old father finally lost his life, his son died, and only his grandson was left, and now so many years have passed, and now he is forced to accept such a fact.

The only concern in this world is to say that his grandson as for himself has long been no soul, he has now been cheap, dignity has long been no longer, a person should have the appearance, now he is really worse than a pig dog.

And he lives as a human in this world, the only meaning is to make something for the master, so that the words can get a lot of master even if a little shade, even if a little meal can let their grandson get fed, in fact, it is also possible.

For him, now he has nothing to ask for, the main thing is to be able to let their grandson have a bite to eat, then their hearts are particularly content, even if they let themselves eat dogs to eat, eat what is worse than some of the things can be, once they have eaten a long time of steamed rice.

Later, they slowly went out to do a lot of work, learned to do some of the work of the family, the pressure of life has made their own fingers do not touch the water of the girl slowly will be, in a variety of work.

He is now able to move several bags of rice, is also able to go independently to carry several buckets of water, walking back and forth, now the route he will do all the work, and he can also make noodles, but also can not boil water and chop wood.

Whether it is heavy work or light work he can win, and he will be some other things, all he has learned, and he is now like a man, everything can do, and heavy work they are fully capable of, as long as they can live, he can now learn everything.

PS: the author of the street, the new book kneeling for the care of the big brothers, seeking care, (Li good Zhao) seeking reward! 360各种满地打滚度全方位无死角的求大佬们的收藏! Request subscription! Request flowers! Request evaluation! Ask for monthly tickets! Please comment! Request for more! Rewards! Please take care!!!! The author of the puff piece is asking for all support!!!!

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