307Chapter rampant laughter

307Chapter rampant laughter

This young grandmother laughing more and more flooded, his voice sounds particularly particularly funny, and bring a special ironic feeling to people, if someone passes by here, there must be a kind of shuddering feeling, think will wash a goose bumps, after all, this person is really too vicious some, and his nails are also shining if the light.

Song Ma see this nail suddenly have a special ominous feeling, she knows she is likely to be nails to scratch ,25also may be other ways to be their own remediation, remediation, in short, this nail will certainly bring a very bad feeling for themselves, but they do not have what can be afraid, also not afraid of death, he is now even death is not afraid, he is still afraid to live? For that he is even Xuzhou, alive is better than directly dead.

Although living and there is no work, it does not seem to have any meaning, but then, if you can let your grandson get well fed, in fact, it is also good, it hurts that they really did not have a small life, then even if they really died, their grandson afraid that these can not live.

After all, his own grandson is not yet able to live independently, so naturally he can only come to rely on their own support, because of this reason he was demanded to circle, otherwise he really just want to die head on the pillar.

“Yes, yes, that’s right, young lady, as long as you can keep me alive, don’t kill me.

Song Ma is called humble how humble, she is ready to accept the punishment, she has now decided well, must sleep well to accept the punishment, no matter what kind of punishment she admitted, as long as it is able to let themselves live, so on.

When it comes to this matter, he feels particularly unhappy in his heart, for him as a slave feeling is too unpleasant, some of their own once was not so, they once did the young lady, but then the family fell.

They had to become a slave again, became a slave after their own slowly cold, so ah in some physical work is not yet a big deal, so for a prompt maid should do this thing.

But they do not want to go, no face, no dignity, as a person even dignity are not, then they are really too weak some, is simply worse than a pig dog, even a pig dog will not do so much heavy work, and now they are really worse than a pig a dog, important some.

Song Ma’s heart not to mention how worried, she knows she is likely to accident, and now they have to wait here all the time, she knows she is likely to receive a particularly fatal punishment, no more than this punishment they must also be glad to accept to do, otherwise, when there will be a lot of bad consequences it.


PS: the author of the street, the new book kneeling for the care of the big brothers, seeking care, seeking reward! All kinds of rolling around the ground 360degree all-round no dead angle begging big brother’s collection! Request for subscription! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation! Ask for monthly tickets! Please comment! Request for more! Rewards! Please take care!!!! The author of the puff piece is asking for all support!!!!

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