309Chapter Jade School

309Chapter Jade School

The young girl smiled and said: “I, ah, the Jade Lady School, heard of it?”

She felt that these words are really a little bit of irony, jade girl is just to their own say a good name, where there is so good, really think is so unattainable things like.

Su Tian searched in his mind and found that he was still a little bit impressed, but before often heard the Jade Lady Heart Sutra, I guess now may also see it.

But before he could say anything, the person next to him had already started happily, and Liu Qing said enthusiastically, “Of course, such a place with so many beautiful women, how could it not be known?”

The things in the jianghu, if you really say, he dares to say that he knows absolutely more than those jianghu magicians know, nothing because, 537probably just because of this inexplicable confidence.

“Pay attention to talk. ” Su Chu Tian said faintly.

He still feels quite humiliated, in front of such a small girl to say this kind of words, also do not know how he is thinking, say this when (cfbj) did not feel any place of shame?

“It’s okay, it’s okay, you saved me, there’s nothing wrong with talking to you. “The little girl is very open-minded.

Then she smiled and said: “In fact, the beauty is not a lot, but in this jianghu are a group of old men, so this sect also gives some people what imaginary space. But that’s just what you think of the Jade Girls.”

Look at Su Chu Tian and Liu Qing’s look, the little girl knew they must be starting to suspect themselves.

She said indifferently: “In fact, you think what the jade girl is something that does not matter, no matter how you think, I can only say that it is completely different from what you think.”

In fact, she saw through this confinement a long time ago, just do not know how to say it, today’s conversation is also very painful.

“How?” Liu Qing, a big gossipy character, immediately came up to ask.

The little girl asked rhetorically, “Have you ever seen any good man forcing a little girl my age to get married? No, I haven’t.”

What is said to be the jade girl, are some hypocritical to the extreme guys just, with the name of the jade girl to cover up the sinful behavior.

Two people were dumbfounded, Liu Qing is also not seen so sharp-tongued answer.

“Also.” Su Chu Tian returned indifferently.

Come on”, do not talk about them, talking about it feels annoying, why not talk about you guys, you saved me, we are also considered friends, right?” She suddenly smiled and said, the style became very fast, so that people do not feel that she is so a story of people.

And Liu Qing was completely taken away from her, because he really can not understand this person, but really, really interesting,

“Although it is said so, but the fact is that we are not very familiar with the girl. “Su Chu Tian still relatively polite to say.

In fact, he also just want to see this little girl in the end can also be quirky to where, think about it should be a fun thing.

Liu Qing said in a hurry: “How not familiar? This has not been talking for so long, you how this person so no vision.” Usually disruption is fine, this is a good-looking little sister, how can you talk like this, how to scare people away in case a,,

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