306Chapter Dilemma

306Chapter Dilemma

Song mother gritted her teeth, she now did not think she would actually face such a dilemma, but no matter what the reason, no matter what happens, she must come to persevere to do, if they can not die, bitter fear of their own time will also appear a lot of problems, and their hearts actually want to overcome the difficulties.

How to say that these problems must be properly resolved as far as possible “five thirty-seven”, so that the words can completely eradicate some hidden problems, and his heart will be slightly better, at least in his eyes, this point is also of great use.

“Yes, I can be shameless, please master never blame me again, even if I have to pay dignity to pay face can be, as long as it is not to kill me how to say all good.”

Song Ma heart how depressed to hold his breath, he is now no way, he can now only become the only pillar of his grandson, so he can not die, if they die the grandson will die, so he must let himself live well, even if it is humiliated to go live well.

“Very good, very good, since you can be shameless, right, that is naturally the best, since it is you have done so many measures, then naturally must be a good punishment, and you happen to be shameless, then it is good to say. I’ll give you some way to make you shameless to punish you, so you can it.

The young grandmother smiled and said, his smile is full of an evil component, it can be seen that he really is particularly fierce, and his approach is also looks particularly terrible, he slowly stood up, the movement is very elegant.

It looks like a big family out of the character, but now Song Ma heart does not care about this aspect of things, he only knows that he will soon be in trouble, he now has a feeling of a big disaster.

But he is not afraid at all, he knows that if he can survive, then everything can be restored to the previous state, and this person has now said so, certainly will not let himself lose his life.

At most, let yourself lose your face, in fact, in his eyes, no face is no big deal, afraid is that even if you have no face there is no way to let yourself live, this is the most terrible thing.

The good thing is that this guy is still able to let himself live, so that even if he really is no face is no big deal.

“Very good, very good, in that case, let’s use a way to make you particularly humiliated to deal with you. So you should be able to accept it, but if you can’t accept it you’ll have to die!”

PS: the author of the street, the new book kneeling for the care of the big brothers, seeking care, seeking reward! All kinds of rolling around the ground 360degree all-round no dead angle begging big brother’s collection! The new book is a great success. 1.9 for evaluation! The monthly ticket! The actual review! Please remind me! Reward! I’d like to ask for your attention!!! The author of the puff piece is asking for all support!!!!

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