305Chapter shudder

305Chapter shudder

Song Ma side of the situation they also understand, the reason is still here entangled, entirely because Song Ma once said those measures, this kind of company they are not willing to come, to tolerate4 home delivery, honestly, in their eyes this point is originally particularly terrible, and they now also hope to be able to change these.

“You are just a lackey just, do things should be in the interests of the master, if the interests of the gambling money to violate, although you can not spare you this meaning, you will play here for two hours, next time we surprisingly can not spare you!”

A young grandmother looks a little angry said, it can be seen that he does not like this style of tree mother, tree mother this person such as now is not very big, really is not good driving, said is standing in his eyes this kind of people should be killed only right, as a slave, if even the master does not care, then I naturally is not necessary to do the main material, to this dog head also has no use.

“slave servant know wrong slave servant’s place, slave servant never dare again, slave servant promise to master as the main, the director said what I said, the director let me do what I said, all listen to the master.

Song mother heard this after a moment anxious eyes, she hurriedly kneeled on the ground, a strong kowtow, she may know how precious their own life, good to keep their hearts, can not be so lost ah, at least their own body is their own support, naturally they are not able to lose their lives for nothing, after all, the world is really quite important to him, and he is now also I hope to be able to hurry to deal with – to deal with these things.

He had to hope that if he was going to get rid of these women, he would be able to solve some of the work once and for all, and she would feel a little better in her heart, so she came from her boyfriend and made her especially happy.

And she is also willing to come as soon as possible to buy a car this thing, so that even if he pays all the price, he is also willing, as long as he is not allowed to then he is willing to insult their dignity, even if it is a self-slapping can be.

“I heard that you can not want anything to protect your life? Is it okay to be shameless then.”

The young grandmother some evil laugh, she laughed sounded particularly evil, there is a kind of people shuddering feeling, Song Ma heard the voice, a fierce shaking body, he did not think he actually want to encounter this thing, after thinking of this laughter, he felt particularly bad, he always felt that there is something bad to happen.

……… request flowers

PS: the author of the street, the new book kneeling for the care of the big brothers, seeking care, seeking reward! All kinds of rolling around the ground 360degree all-round no dead angle begging big brother’s collection! Request for subscription! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation! Ask for monthly tickets! Please comment! Request for more! Rewards! Please take care!!!! The author of the puff piece is asking for all support!!!!

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