304Chapter strange woman

304Chapter strange woman

“Two, help me a favor, a moment someone to catch me, you help me cover up, thank you ah.” A woman suddenly barged into their room, said so many words, Leshi peace of mind dish began to eat up something, as if they were people here.

Liu Qing some strange looking at Su Chu Tian, they are encountered what strange how can be so peculiar?

And Su Chu Tian also ignored him, his eyes were on the woman’s body, but really a very interesting woman, how so familiar with it.

Not long after, a few big men to the door yelled: “You run here did not run in a woman? “But their eyes have been fixed on the woman inside the house.

“No.” Liu Qing said indifferently, after all, should still520 try to move the mouth not hands.

The few men to come in, and suddenly all kneeled down, Su Tian Tian calmly asked: “I have let you in? Did I say no? Your master is teaching you to break into other people’s rooms without their consent?” He looked at the men and said coldly: “This is a lesson for you, remember not to disobey me, my people, you do not deserve to enter.”

He is the performance is very harsh, but just now that he did not force, if he really force, these few people are estimated to not get up.

“Yes, thanks a lot.” Several of them reluctantly stood up, and then left.

Not they are too afraid, it is too powerful opposite, if not retreat now, it is a fool’s errand, a wise man will not do this kind of thing.

The girl stood up after they left and said with a big smile, “Thank you, but especially you, you were so handsome just now.” She pointed at Su Chu Tian, with a nymphomaniac tone of voice.

“How did the girl piss them off? ” Liu Qing asked, still curious,

After all, a good-looking little girl suffered so something, he felt that this girl must have a story, and the very coincidence he would like to hear, so he can only say this (cfbj) kind of words.

The girl sat down with a big grin, and then said: “In fact, I do not know why, it seems that the old man wants them to take me back to the marriage.

She said it was very casual as if the matter was nothing for him, like a home-cooked meal as common.

“There are still people in this era this pro? “Liu Qing asked with some surprise.

Although it is said that the words of the medium, the parents’ order, but forced to kiss this kind of thing he also saw for the first time, a little girl forced to hide around, it is not too easy, for the sake of this face, Liu Qing wants to continue to gossip some.

“In fact, this matchmaking is a disguised sale, nothing more than for her benefit, and then say what is good for me, and then let me marry out, but he has never succeeded, I do not know if it is too stupid.” Speaking of this matter, the young girl is still relaxed, there is no burden look, but in general ,,she is really feel the name..

Su Chu Tian lightly asked: “I do not know if I have the honor to ask the girl is which sect, some are not very familiar, the girl does not want to say if you do not say.”

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