309Chapter Unbearable

309Chapter Unbearable

Song Ma begged hard, and it was clear that she was particularly humble, and she has now lowered her head to the position of her legs it is clear that he now has no way to look at this person in front of him, he knows that he has now made a monstrous mistake.

If you don’t choose to forgive yourself, you can’t expect to live any longer.

And when the time comes, their grandson will also be “five zero three” for no one to support, forced to starve or freeze to death, which is not what they want to see, their own death does not matter, but their grandson is the only one in their own family, so absolutely can not let him accident.

All in all, he does not want such a problem to arise, and now he still wants to be able to take his grandson to live well, even if it is not enough to eat and wear is also possible, at least to stay on a life.

How to say their grandson grew up, perhaps also be able to have success, he hopes that his family can prosper, he also hopes that his family side has a after ah.

Otherwise, he has no face to face the ancestors, and he is also no way to think of the ancestors to explain, after all, their only seedling is likely to die because of their own, and there is no way to get support, to be honest, for him this thing is also quite guilty, line that a particularly young face his heart are a little intolerant, he does not want to be so scattered.

If you do so, if you are alone, it does not matter if you die, but now you have a grandson, and this grandson has only one relative.

If not themselves, then this person can still live? Obviously not, his grandson can only be forced to become a beggar, horse street to beg.

And if you do not have enough to eat and wear, when the society will be particularly bad, this is still a little better, but if you can not even ask for food, it is not a living starvation, which is not what you want to see ah.

When the winter months when their grandson can not wear a cotton jacket, can only wear thin clothes in a few leftover steamed buns in the lady’s alms, with a long time will be tortured to death, starving life is not these children can stand.

For him, such a life is really no way to bear, and he does not want these children to suffer such aggravation, so he now would rather be condescending to themselves, as long as they can be condescending to let their loved ones do not suffer, then they are still more willing, obviously the master also said to give him a chance, that is, he still has hope, right?

PS: the author of the street, the new book kneeling for the care of the big brothers, seeking care, seeking reward! All kinds of rolling around the ground 360degree all-round no dead angle begging1.9 big brother’s collection! Request for subscription! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation! Ask for monthly tickets! Please comment! Request for more! Rewards! Please take care!!!! The author of the puff piece is asking for all support!!!!

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