308Chapter Casting Rats

308Chapter Casting Rats

“As long as you can let me live, I can do cattle and horses for you, no matter what you let me do, even if it is to humiliate me all day, I am willing to do it.”

Song Ma knelt directly on the ground and began to kowtow, although he was in particular physical pain, all over his body were traces of burns, and the feeling that he was scalded by boiling water is still present.

Because he was smoking all over his body, boiling water has been smoking, it really looks particularly alarming, and he is not afraid of these, in his eyes his grandson’s life and death than what is important.

They are not afraid to die even if they are how to die are not related, but they do not want their only relatives so dead, they are in the world on such a lover, he does not want to own this pro life or starve or freeze to death.

This miserable death is really he does not want to go, experience, not to mention these grandchildren, he does not want his poor grandson in the world to live alone and lonely – line.

Honestly this point is also quite poor, and he does not want his already innocent grandson is so powerless, after all, his grandson is really too innocent, because of their own mistakes, do we have to live heat and freeze to death?

He really is not willing to hold back the kind of feeling so now there is such an opportunity he is also willing to fight for himself, even if it is himself, even if it is really a time to be a thousand knives.

As long as it is possible to place his grandson, then he will be particularly happy, for him this is obviously more than he experienced those things that make him happy some.

Send the face full of tears, in fact, he has now regretted, if you can can, if there is a choice can regret, he has long been able to not do this thing, he felt that he did this than the sky big goods is really too big some.

So much so that they have no way to forgive themselves, but fortunately the old master seems to have a thought of forgiving him, otherwise it would not be possible for him to come here, for him to fight for this opportunity, to be honest he is also particularly grateful to the grandfather.

Even if the grandfather scalded himself with boiling water even with a teapot to smash himself, he is still particularly happy, because this person has given himself a very good opportunity, he is willing to take some of the punishment!

Then is able to let his grandson live well, he is willing to do a lot of things, for him to do these things is still relatively easy, and he is willing to do these these, all of which he willingly, he is willing to bear all the costs, even if it is to let himself pay a small life, he is also willingly.

…… request flowers ……

Because these are particularly worthwhile, when all is able to return to normal, and he is also able to put down his heart to manage his grandson.


PS: the author of the street, the new book kneeling for the care of the big brothers, seeking care, seeking reward! All kinds of rolling around the ground 360degree all-round no dead angle begging big brother’s collection! Request for subscription! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation! Ask for monthly tickets! Please comment! Request for more! Rewards! Please take care!!!! The author of the puff piece is asking for all support!!!!

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