310Chapter Help Wanted

310Chapter Help Wanted

Song Ma came in panicking and rushed to Su Chu Tian kowtowing and said: “Young master, please save my child, help me.”

She is very sincere, has been kowtowing, and also in tears, can be seen should be really out of something, or if it is a performance should be impossible thing.

“Ahem, can’t you see there’s a guest? What’s wrong, say it.” Su Chu Tian looked at the side of Liu Qing said indifferently.

He did not want to blame Song Ma’s intention, after all, he also knows Song Ma this person, can be said to know the root to get, she should not lie to themselves.

The only possibility is the biggest possibility is that Song Ma has encountered something very difficult to solve to be like this.

Song mother said: “I was too anxious, did not see the guests, is my son, I do not know how to go gambling debts, owe a lot of silver, the debtor came to the door, I really can not afford to pay, the group of people in front of me to beat my son..

When it comes to this, she has been crying not to be able to, after all, as a mother, although the son is an asshole a little, but after all, or their own son, there is no way to abandon, she is also really desperate, before you think to find Su Chu Tian’s.

This way “ah, a group of people also dare to bully me here, really ridiculous. “Su Chu Tian laughed twice.

It is only some bullying, only bullying such honest people, but Song Ma is his people, then his son should also be his people, but this is not very important, the important thing is that the group of people actually to his territory to Song Ma to see this scene, really damn.

Song Ma kowtowed repeatedly and said, “Please help me, young master.”

She really did not know who to beg, she knew that Su Chu Tian will most likely help this favor for their own sake, not to mention that it is not something against human nature, but only to teach a few people, and they are also in Su Chu Tian’s territory reckless.

The young master to help her out of anger, is also considered to have a reason, or for the indisputable has been aggravated Su Chu Tian, she is also guilty of heart.

“Song mother, a large age, do not worry about the old, you and I have been how many years of affection, this matter is sure to help, and this is also my territory.” Su Chu Tian smiled lightly.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers. He had no 503reason to convince himself to stand by.

“Thank you, young master, thank you, young master.” Song Ma kowtowed to thank her repeatedly.

She felt that in fact, Su Tian Tian not help themselves is not incomprehensible, as long as he helped himself that is all love, after all, he does not help themselves is also natural, not all people have to be paid.

Su Tian nodded and said to Liu Qing: “It seems that today is no way to enjoy, another day, if you want to see the fun then come along with it.” After saying this, he disappeared with his mother Song.

Liu Qing smiled and finished drinking the drink in his hand, also disappeared, this kind of good show, how could he miss.

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