286Chapter Only Hope

“This… …everyone looked at everything in front of them, they seem to feel that this is just like a dream. Especially Wang Ma, her mouth has opened into a circle, at this moment she suddenly some incomparable chagrin she made those decisions before.

“Everyone, what do you think?” Song mother as far as possible let himself not show any different emotions, but the heart is already happy. But now the time is not ironclad, she can not be too excited. After all, who knows if something unexpected will happen.

“God, this Su family is so good to treat people like this!

One of the thinner men sighed, and the others echoed it. They originally thought that the Su family after the destruction of the Lu family, for these prisoners of war naturally is not cared about, and then left them to fend for themselves. After all, they have seen these things happen. So for the Su family to destroy their Lu family at that moment, the natural heart is full of hatred for them. Chu Tian seems to have expected all this, so he was alarmed to set up this plate bureau. The natural purpose is very simple, the Lu family available talent to attract them to the Su family!

When will people not remember the kindness, that is naturally when he is in great need of help. But Chu He knows one thing: the rice is kind, the rice is hateful this truth, so he is not what a good man, naturally he is not open relief hall.

“Now, everyone’s heart is relieved?”

Song Ma’s face is also overflowing with smiles, the whole person looks radiant up, giving a person instantly younger than a dozen years of feeling. Everyone thought that Song Ma was so excited because she would soon have a place to stay, and did not think anything of it. But she is the only one who knows, she is because of what happened to be so.

“Peace of mind, this is too much peace of mind!”

“Had I known that the Su family is so good, when the brain is really kicked by a donkey, even want to leave the Su family!” The people are all talking, especially seeing those who have joined the Su family are all well fed and well drank, naturally is incomparable envy. So a comparison, these people feel that the Su family, simply better than those other bullshit family not only a hundred times a!”

I just don’t know how the Su family thinks about it.

-Ask for flowers ………

“The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers. Song Ma couldn’t help but look at her one more time, Wang Ma was a little embarrassed by the look. The first time she did not think that there is no good treatment under the hedge, but also to look at people everywhere, it is better to get away, so as to save some trouble and annoyance. But after these days of experience, she is also open to it. What dignity is not dignity, now can live, more important than anything! And currently can help them, there is only Su family this only hope.


“Hey, we are an old man, suffer a little, but those other young people have a different future, we can not be so selfish.” Wang Ma looked a little embarrassed, Song Ma heard it, can not help but give her a big finger!

“It’s okay, the big deal is that I’m giving up my face, I believe that Su Chu Tian, the head of the Su family, is definitely not that kind of person.”

Song Ma looked at the villa in front of her, and could not help but be lost in thought. We all nodded to each other, at this moment Su family, is their only hope and live! The,

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