Chapter 285Life

Chapter 285Life

It is impossible to let yourself do something like this, it is impossible to let yourself do something like this, well, it is a very powerful injury for yourself, it is also a very big thing.

However, such things also remind themselves, whether it is such things or other things, for their own is a very useful, are a very need to let themselves persist in the necessary, are a need to let themselves be able to believe in that kind of good, otherwise why do they 490need to go to such a kind of point it.

“There is no mistake ah? I have told you, do not think so much, I think these things are his own things, okay, you quickly let him down that can, you quickly down it, wait a moment if you need two of us, the three of us can continue to play the game, only you now down, okay, wait a moment if you do not come down now, we are really a bit of an accident, wait a moment we will be in this place Don’t go out again, okay?”

Zhang Hao (cfbj) is now almost really, is particularly special, not afraid to die here to say something, as if they are also about to anger the eyes, so a person of those words, although the same are in a car, but the other two people are always understand him this some words in the end represents a kind of meaning, may be in front of this one person is really have steel straight male cancer, they also at the same time It is the ability to endure it.

After all, they are just out of the hut of that kind of attitude, actually have seen so many things, so naturally for such a restaurant is the need for more resistance, or they are here also out of a big problem, they are not able to go to that kind of situation, only to be able to silently to solve these things, they can go to leave such a The place, it is particularly strange that kind of feeling.

The chef is really about to sweat that kind of courtyard, because excessive too nervous that kind of reason, lead to their own really back has been constantly in this or that kind of cold sweat, if not because of such a kind of reason, why do they need to feel that they need to pretend two identities, it seems really need to be afraid of a person to do their own assistant ah, because this some in front of you People are really difficult to let people to get some things.

“No, no, if you really have any thing, then you can directly talk to me ah, originally is a big night we two people are too busy, if there is really something, you will directly talk to me, well, he just said he was too tired of that kind of reason, so directly left, and then instructed me to finish this thing when it is finished I have some things to do when I have finished, so you do not need to bring such an idea on him, well, there is no need to insist on things, what, you can also continue to come tomorrow, after all, this way now, only let me more confused “,

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