287Chapter You can not ah

“That, everyone has already made a decision, right, let’s go in.

Song Ma looked at everyone and said in a deep voice. “Yes, go!” Everyone spoke with one voice, but their feet seemed to be fixed on the ground, looking a little hesitant. A group of people huddled together, living like a young daughter-in-law just about to meet her father-in-law, each squirming, which has the same boldness before coming.

You really do not have to think “four ninety” so much, the Su family head and other families are still very different, will not be like other families, turn us away.”

Song Ma saw this scene can’t help but dumbfounded laugh, obviously before they were all clamoring for revenge before what, now when really going, and all forgotten. “No, if the Su family does not take us in how to do?”

In fact, a person said their own concerns. He looked at you think those who defected to the Su family, in fact, is to say that not envious that is false, but they are, after all, once they want to leave, and now want to go back, is a little too much …so even they themselves feel some look down.

“No matter what, we have to go!”

Song Ma sighed, they are now no longer once the Lu family, now it is easy to have a mountain that can be relied on, it is natural to follow. At this moment and the villa inside.

” Chu Tian, are you really sure that Song Ma can handle those people?”

One of the very beautiful-looking beauty frowned, looking at sitting aside very leisurely Su Chu Tian, could not help but ask. She really does not know how Su Chu Tian is thinking, recruiting those people not to mention even the captives of the Lu family are also good food and drink to serve, this day simply live not to say too comfortable!

If you change some other families, already is eager to these old and sick people are all thrown out, after all, to keep the existence of such people, but also is not any value. Now is the end of days, after all, food shortage. So for some worthless people, in fact, is such a bloody fact.

“Fei Fei, you really experience is still too little, should go out more to sharpen. “Su Chu Tian looked up at her, some helplessly smiled.

“What the hell! I think, most and people think are the same ah.” The girl in front of me is obviously not blessed, where she slightly skewed her mouth, the whole person is like a bun like round little face, so that Su Tian wanted to reach out and pinch her…

“Ahem. “He coughed lightly, the mind among this mess of ideas out, he now has important things on hand not finished, so only the other, and not to fall in a hurry.

“Fei Fei, you are indeed right, now people do not do it for themselves, the heaven and earth, it is not to say that it is wrong.

“But you have to know that where there are people, there will be strife, whether you want it or not, this is a fact that can not be changed. “Su Chu Tian whispered, after all, this involves a lot of intricate human1.9 nature.

“And then what?” Fifi asked with a curious look on her face.

“Now although our Su family is also considered to have a reputation, but compared to several other families, is still a little weak.”

He slightly shrugged his eyebrows, explained. After all, this is indisputable, they do not have a few other clans have a rich some strength, in fact, Su family now have now, a large part of the reason is because of him: Su Chuhe!

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