284Chapter must

284Chapter must

“Get on” Lu Jiu Ling now screen on a car, and then drive that kind of quiet themselves naturally is also directly on the car, but is stepping on the point, such a button soon car has been with a fast to that kind of speed, fast success program, after all, this screen has long been shown on the bombing area only One second of that kind of relationship, it seems that they are really dragging them a long, long time ah.

Just now almost a minute of that kind of time, now by themselves to use only a second of that period of time left, had to let themselves have to think more, may be they really will bleed a lot of a lot of blood, will lose a lot of a lot of life, only such a signal, as long as in a little saving, if such a signal value has been reduced, they are no way to continue Stand up, there is no way to continue to fight.

And if the place is out of the words, directly to the safe zone, if the safe zone has a lot of a lot of that kind of, the enemy words they are now presented an exaggerated kind of state, their enemies may not want to look at them jumping that kind of state, they also want to give themselves a quick feeling of that kind of, directly to their own landing into the river to fire a few shots of that kind. The feeling.

The reason for this is that they know what they think, what they do, they have their own reasons, otherwise they would not have to get into this situation, so naturally they also have the same kind of idea with themselves, they want to help themselves, they also want to help them, and then they are now the main thing is just to leave such a bomber, and then return to such a A safe channel, the front is also thinking this way, but until now they have not left.

“I tell you ah, after you have to pay attention, look at the top of that a small map, click on that can, even such a small map will tell you their teammates in the end is in the southeast northwest which direction, okay, and we three people on the same place, basically three things are gathered in the same place, you just follow such a A direction to continue bad that can be, after all, such a place will tell you in the end is to which direction to continue to go good,|| bar”

He is now almost, while driving the car, while talking to such a little girl, after all, is their own brought over, they certainly need to pay a certain price, if they let themselves eat less a piece of meat, they are also necessary for that kind of situation, after all, they brought over the people, they do not necessarily let him make a fool of himself.

The first thing you need to do is to make a fool of yourself, after all, if he is disgraced, then what do you think you’ve got? There is no way to believe in the old kind of look, okay, only let yourself not be able to believe in yourself, because friends have become this way now.

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