Chapter 4276

Chapter 4276

“Okay, you guys wait here for a while!” The young girl said a sentence, and lightly ran into the house, but also put her sweeping broom on the side, the crowd looked around the Wang family, many of them have not been out of the base city, not even out of the Lu family, so at this time to see the Wang family layout is also very new.

The Wang family and the Lu family are different, the Lu family is concerned about the big scene, neat streets, tall trees, which can be seen in the courtyard of the Lu family, just like the Lu family very large villa area, all show the strength of the Lu family.

The Wang family and the Lu family are very different. Everything in the Wang family looks so exquisite, such as the interesting flower patterns on the walls of the villa, the neat little flowers and meticulous bushes in the courtyard of the villa, and the big wooden swing and the original street lamp on the roadside.

It is also the first feeling that Wang Xie brings to people, beauty, and it is the beauty of the clouds can not get close. Probably the head of the family is a woman’s family, everything is affected by this woman, and then become so beautiful, so delicate.

The crowd at this time is also too late to appreciate the exquisite beauty of the Wang family, because Wang Ying’s secretary has come out of the villa, she is still wearing a straight professional suit, with black glasses, holding a stack of books in her hands, perhaps a notepad. Giving people a sense of competence.

“Hello, may I ask what you are looking for our family head? You can talk to me about anything, and I will report to our family head.” This secretary showed a professional smile, others look very warm. But in front of these experienced people in the Lu family, this smile is a little fake, a look is trained smile.

“This is the case, we people, want to join the Wang family, I do not know if it is possible ….” Wang Ma said in a low voice, she felt a little bit of their own bottom, because they really do not look like these people are useful.

So “ah… then you all come in first, the specific situation, let our family head meet you before deciding.” The secretary said with a smile, then let people open the door of the Wang family, the Wang family even the iron fence pattern are Lu family look a lot better.

The crowd walked into the courtyard of the Wang family, and was greeted by a warm breeze and refreshing aroma, and they suddenly felt that it was a very good thing to work in such a family.

Under the leadership of the secretary, they quickly came to Wang Xuan’s office, the office is also different from the extremely luxurious office of Lu Jiuling, there is no excessive furnishings, only a few simple office essential things.

“Everyone, I heard that you want to join our Wang family, can you tell us the specific reasons? Or the help you can provide for our Wang family?” Wang Xuan sat at the back of the desk, most of these people in the Lu family have seen her, because she was invited to the Lu family by Lu Jiuling last time.

“Master Wang, to be honest, we are all from the Lu family, and I’m sure you know that our Lu family was defeated by the Su family. And several of us do not want to join the Su family, we thought of the Wang family’s master is the base is a first-class good man, so we want to come to you.” Song Ma said with a smile, she is still quite good at talking when she is not rude.

Wang Xuan heard the words of Song’s mother, is also slightly stunned, she and the secretary to a glance, and then said with a smile: “You also know, our Wang family this is not as much as your Lu family, so we do not have as many people as your Lu family. So if you are not able to work, then our Wang family really can not take you in.”

Wang Pu said this is all smiles, but she said the words are very chilling. Because in the Lu family people hear, this is basically the meaning of the send-off.

“Of course we can work!” Someone from the Lu family crowd said, his voice was with trembling when he said this, because he knew that Wang Xuan’s words basically meant that he did not want to keep them, but they still wanted to make a final struggle.

“So what kind of work can you do?” Wang Ying beside the secretary asked, her gaze swept over the Lu family, almost none of these people are young, are a group of middle-aged and elderly, physical work can not do much, and the Wang family does not need so many management and organizational staff.

We “can clean, we can trim the vegetation, we can look after the yard, we can say almost pleadingly behind us, all of us know that they are old and they can’t do this kind of work more efficiently than the young people.

…… request flowers …………

“Enough! Song Ma” said coldly, she did not want the people behind her to throw their dignity to the ground, and they also know that the Wang family will not be their home.

“Trouble Wang family master, much disturbance, also please bear with me.” Song Ma politely smiled at Wang Xuan and said, then stood up and turned her head to look behind her, the defeated people of the Lu family.

“Let’s go.” Song Ma said.

The Wang family originally did not want to accept these people, at this time naturally will not do more to stay, so is also a few words of courtesy to send them away.


“This slutty woman, really desperate.” The people of the Lu family cursed with faces ashen.

“There’s another one, let’s not give up!” Wang Ma smiled, let the people cheer up, in order to survive, they can only try to go on one by one.

“Good, then we go to the Hu family, the Hu family has a lot of people, but also with our family has cooperation, I believe they will take us in.” The people of the Lu family unanimously said, it is still early in the day, so they go to the Hu family is perfectly in time.

So the crowd is in high spirits again, marching majestically towards the Hu family.

But they were soon driven out again in disgrace, the Hu family is now grass-roots research to confront the method of Chu Tian. They no longer want to spill the relationship with the Lu family, recently returned home to the largest two eating marks are related to the Lu family. So Hu Feng see these Lu family to join the people, simply want to tear them with their own hands.

If it were not for the fact that all of them are old, weak, women and children, they really do not want to get out of the Hu family in peace.

But this time, the people still did not despair, because the base city still has a big family, that is, recently there is not much sound Liu family, Liu family’s strength is not particularly strong, after the rise of the Su family, Liu family should also directly become the base city’s weakest big family, but even if it is weak, Liu family is at least a big family, people still do not want to give up hope, so again to Liu family. The,

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