275Chapter cast to the Wang family

275Chapter cast to the Wang family

“Ah–” a scream came out from the half-hidden door of the room, resounding throughout the room, the voice was emitted by a young girl, her young appearance in the middle of this group of old people out of place, she is also the youngest of these people who left the Lu family.

“What’s wrong what’s wrong?” A middle-aged man rushed out and walked up to his girl with a serious expression and asked.

“I… our food, a lot less!” The girl whispered, and pointed to the food on the table, all the food we brought are placed there, originally according to the expected food is enough for everyone to eat half a month. But now there is already a large part of less, the remaining food, compared to the pile placed there yesterday, is simply the difference between a mound of dirt and a mountain.

“What’s going on?” The middle-aged man shouted, right now they live here, food is the most important, they have no food sources, this food is their security these days.

What’s “happening?” People slowly began to gather over, apparently everyone heard the two of them, and they were all a little annoyed to be woken up this morning by inexplicable sounds.

“The food is gone! “The middle-aged man said in a bad mood, he was not too good-tempered, and he was even more angry when the food was gone.

490 “What? How can this be gone? “People look at the food on the table is indeed less than yesterday, everyone is very panic, this time the food is no more is simply a direct sentence of death for them!

“It’s not like you two father and daughter are hiding it privately, is it? Wu Xiong!” This middle-aged man’s name is Wu Xiong, and the girl who found the food disappeared is her daughter, this girl followed these people out also because her father was against defecting to the Su family.

“You do not give Laozi fart! “Wu Xiong glared and drank, his bad temper, in the Lu family is notorious. But he is not as brutal as Song Ma, usually people are still very kind, but when he is angered, he is really scary.

“Don’t argue, don’t argue!” This time Song Ma jumped out to maintain order, she in this group of seniority is also considered very old, so her words still have some weight.

“Xiaofang you say, exactly what is happening? “Song mother why the girl next to him, his name is Wu Fang, the people of the Lu family call him Xiao Fang.

Song Ma”, I just morning (cfbjj on a rise to see a lot less of these foods Xiao Fang saw everyone quarrel, she obviously some panic, in the time of speaking eyes are seeping with tears.

That is to say, “After you got up in the morning, the food was gone, right?” An old woman beside Song’s mother asked, his seniority among these people is not small, the young master of the Lu family Lu Tianshun is exactly what he pulled up.

Xiao Fang nodded heavily, she was afraid that she was suspected, after all, she was the first to find the food disappeared, if everyone suspected her, she would be unable to defend.

“I think it’s the father and daughter who have swallowed the food privately!” At this time a man in the crowd shouted again.

“You don’t have to bullshit there! ” Wu Xiong cursed again, he even wanted to rush over and beat that man up.

“All right, all right, stop arguing!” Song Ma said again, seeing that the two are going to fight, she, the person who presides over the justice must also speak up.

“Now that the food is lost is a fact, and there is no way to get it back, we should think about what to do afterwards.” Song Ma said neatly, which directly let everyone’s attention from the food to the next thing.

“Ugh.” As soon as the matter was mentioned, the voice of sighing sounded again.

“If I say so, we should go to other clans to try our luck, maybe someone wants us old bones!” The old woman who brought up Lu Tianshun said, she is very much in favor of going to other big clans to try their luck.

“Yes, I think Wang Ma is right, since we are waiting for death here, we might as well go to another family and try our luck again! Now the food is also lost, leaving us little time.” A person in the crowd also followed, originally the crowd slowly discuss this matter, but now the food is lost, they also do not have this time.

“Okay, I also agree, we will open the road today, it happens that the Wang family is not far from here, their head of the family is a woman, may be merciful to take us.” A man continued to echo, they are now really at the end of the line, as to whether they can wait until the darkness, it depends on their own actions.

“Well, I think so!”

“Yes, it’s better than waiting here to die!”

The crowd’s voice echoed continuously, and Wang’s proposal was soon supported by most people.

“Then, good, then we will go to the Wang family first to try our luck, let Xiao Fang stay and watch the food! “Song Ma said, she also understood, in the case of most people have agreed, this matter as long as she nodded, then it is possible to implement.

“Okay, then we’ll walk!”

This time “you have to keep a good eye on the food ah! “Wu Xiong touched Xiao Fang’s head, eyes full of doting, this daughter is her baby, he must protect her well.

Xiao Fang is also gently nodded, she a little girl, thin skin, and not too good to go to the door of others begging, which is exactly what Song Ma arranged things to understand, they are naturally not afraid to lose these old face.

In this way, the crowd said to go, a group of people bustling to the Wang family.

At this time, the Wang family’s construction team is out to start work, the base city gate has been repaired, now is the base city in the repair work of the house, the recent period of repair work, can let God should not be less to the construction team to pay resources. Of course, the construction team’s work income, is to give a part of the Wang family. This is also the source of most of the resources of the Wang family, the Wang family after all, not many people, or very easy to survive, and Wang Ying is a very calm woman, from the last time she listened to the advice, did not go to the Lu family to take advantage of the fire can be seen.

The construction team also had people who knew Song’s mother from this group, and they also said hello.

The crowd soon arrived at the Wang family gate, the Wang family only two or three villas and an apartment building is in use, so it is not very big.

“Miss, we would like to see your family head, could you please inform us.” Wang Ma said with a smile to a subordinate who was cleaning the courtyard of the Wang family.

“Okay, you guys wait a minute.” The subordinate said softly and ran into the house.

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