277Chapter and the Su family

277Chapter and the Su family

Lu family of such people in a firm belief, is also majestically majestic to Liu family, I have to say, to their age, can still have such a spirit and such a persistent will, is also very rare. But a lot of people in the go before you already know the results, Liu family before the attitude towards the war has shown that they are a family will not stand, so they will naturally be less involved in the Lu family and the Su family people.

Although everyone already knows, but they still choose to try, it is just to survive, not dignity, not obsession.

Song Ma walked with the people, she just wanted to laugh out loud, she really admired her genius idea last night, even thought of throwing away food to make everyone anxious. But she was really forced to think “four ninety” out of such a method, because in this post-apocalyptic world, food is the most important thing, and even people will lose their lives for food. So no one would think that Song Ma would throw away everyone’s food.

Today a day they went all over the base city of the big family, simply is the speed of the completion of the task, she so is also considered to Tian proved her ability to Chu.

Soon they arrived at the door of the Liu family, the Liu family has very few people, and there is no villa, their family lives in an apartment building, but the most different from other families is that their family has a huge parking lot, which is the reason they will choose the apartment building, because there will be a huge parking lot near the apartment building.

And in the parking lot near the Liu family, parked full of cars, it can be said that these cars can make all the base city people come to a short-term migration. Of course, the premise is that there is enough gasoline, the Liu family’s gasoline reserves are quite sufficient, which is the reason why the young master of the Liu family can drive on the street every day to play.

The Liu family does not have a villa, naturally, there is no imposing door like others, so you want to visit the Liu family is required to think about the security door bell under the building, but the door has no hint that the people of the Liu family actually live in a few floors, so the average person wants to visit the Liu family is really a very difficult thing.

But the group of Lu’s family is not the same, they are among the people who have come to Liu’s house, so that person is also easy to follow the doorbell of Liu’s house. Do not look at the Liu family live in an apartment, but the whole apartment is theirs, so they are free to transform, and even able to create a larger space than the villa.

According to the person who has been to the Liu family, the Liu family lives in a place almost as big as Lu Jiu Ling’s villa, which is proof of the size of the site where the Liu family lives, because they are connected to the left and right and up and down in the apartment building, naturally they are able to form a large place.

But an apartment is an apartment, and there are many limitations.

“Who is it?” Just as the people were discussing the Liu family, a soft female voice came from the doorbell.

We “are from the Lu family, want to visit the head of the Liu family, please can we go up?” Wang Ma asked politely, she was already very familiar with this set of words, because today this is the third time she said such words.

“Please wait, I will go to ask you. “There was a polite answer from the doorbell, and then the phone hung up, and it looked like the girl had gone to ask someone.

So the crowd started talking again, and the long wait. They were all going through this for the third time today, so they got used to it.

“Are you still there?” That light girl said softly, her voice has a kind of clear feeling, as if in the summer day flowing through a stream of Lin Run, let the crowd feel nourished.

“In the in!” Wang Ma replied immediately, still with a smile on his face, because after being reminded by those who had been to Liu’s house, he knew that the doorbell of Liu’s apartment was such that the face of the person underneath could be seen from above.

But what she brought was news that stung like a cold wind.

“The…. family head said he did not want to see guests recently, you guys please go back.” This light-hearted female voice brought the sound but so desperate, did not expect the Liu family’s family head even to see them all the time refused, the female voice finished this sentence, there came the “click” hanging up the phone sound.

All of them are ashen after the phone hangs up, in fact, they have thought about no family to take them in this matter, but when this thing comes to the fore, still feel so hard to accept, obviously a few days ago they are still in the Lu family incomparable scenery, but also thinking about how to celebrate after winning the Su family, but a few days later, they have become a dog in the mourning7……

The difference can really drive people crazy.

We “now what to do?” After a long silence, one of them asked, what they experienced today is really too tragic, let anyone look at them will sympathize with them.

Food is gone, to the big clans to ask to take in also failed, everyone’s eyes have lost the light, they are now expected to wait for death in the dwelling.

“There is no way, go back first, wait for death on.” A man said with a downcast look, the way to try have tried, indeed no family is willing to take them, this is also no way, so now they can only do is to wait for death.

“Don’t give up, we still have hope. “The reason for this is that Wang’s way has been determined not to work, and everyone has tried, if Song has a better way, everyone will certainly listen to it.

“What hope? What hope can there be now?” The anxious people directly roared, they have tried too many so-called hope today, and finally not all dashed!

“Su family. “Song Ma whispered, her voice was small, but her tone was firm.

“We still have the Su family.” Song Ma said again1.9, because just now everyone was looking at her with shocked eyes, everyone thought she was crazy to be able to think of the Su family.

“The Su family? The Su family is the one who drove us out!” The crowd roared loudly, everyone now hated the Su family, especially Chu Tian of the Su family, they blamed Chu Tian for everything, and even felt that without the Su family, without Chu Tian, they wouldn’t be in this situation now.

“Yes, Chu Tian drove us out, but now we want to live, we must rely on the power of the Su family, do you understand? And I feel that Chu Tian will probably take us in, and although it is now our Lu family, they will definitely say good things for us.” Song Ma said her long-prepared lines, suddenly proposed to go to the Su family, certainly need a little reason.

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