271Chapter Thunderbolt

271Chapter Thunderbolt

“So, who wants to join the Su family now?” Chu Tian looked at the people in front of him, he asked with a smile, at this time he has completely retracted the cold air just released, the villa’s hall again became warm and bright, Chu Tian in such a subtle situation to influence the mood of the people in the hall Lu family, this is also part of his conversation skills, but also he just came up with a brilliant idea, he even a little admiration for himself, can actually In such a short period of time to come up with such a good idea to.

Chu Tian looked at the hesitant people in front of him, they had completely lost their initial hostility, they were now thinking about what Chu Tian had just said, he smiled gently, until today’s conversation has been half successful, the rest just need to wait patiently. Someone will be the first to eat the crab, and when the first person to eat the crab said the crab is delicious, all the other people will flock to the crab, at that time, Chu Tian’s plan can be said to be all completed.

In the end of the world, all people, are animals that tend to avoid harm, as long as the benefits of joining the Su family is large enough, they will naturally consider seriously, as for the sense of honor that originally belonged to the Lu family, let it go with the Lu family.

And at this time the mood of the people present in the Lu family and Chu Tian expected the same, they are not in remembrance of their identity of the Lu family, nor do they feel to join the Su family face will not be able to, they are just considering the interests after it, and in this situation, there is little courage to dare – the first to raise their hands.

Chu Tian did not say anything, nor any hurry, he knows, in the current situation can only wait silently, and silent waiting is now the best – strategy.

The side of Lu Tian Fang originally wanted to say something, but he looked at Chu Tian’s winning expression, also closed his slowly opening mouth, he has understood Chu Tian’s idea, now in this hall need only silence.

No one spoke, and a long time passed.

Finally, the dead silence was broken by a voice raising its hand, it was a thin girl, she was doing the most tiring work in the Lu family, but did not eat well, sleep well. And often bullied and beaten by the cattle housekeeper and others.

She had been thinking, “It would be nice to leave home one day.” This kind of thing, now this opportunity has come to her, she just want to seize it, so she after a long time, summoned up their greatest courage, which raised her thin arm, she only expects to live in the Su family can get a little improvement, and no longer be beaten and bullied by others, that’s all.

“Good!” Then I am now my Su family, you will receive the shelter of the Su family, the Su family will be proud of you, and I hope you can be proud of the Su family, now you can stand beside me.” Chu Tian said with a smile, and then he walked into the crowd and gently touched the girl to his side.

Chu Tian naturally understands that in this case can be the first to raise his hand, certainly not before the Lu family management of those people who are others, must be before the Lu family was bullied for a long time, because only people who have been bullied for a long time, will not hesitate to change a family.

The girl stood by Chu Tian’s side, smiled gently, her smile is very beautiful, standing by Chu Tian’s side, can make her very relieved, as if standing here, she will not be afraid of all the dangers in the world.

Only a lot worse than the Su family of those beautiful girls. This is also understandable thing, after all, this is in the Lu family, young girls who are too beautiful, will certainly become the soul of Lu Jiuling’s knife.

After all, not every girl is as lucky as Xiao Ting and Xiao Ai to meet such a good young master as Lu Tian Fang.

After seeing the girl being led by Chu Tian, a lot of people raised their hands one after another, looking at their clothes and faces, they all belonged to the gang that was being bullied. But this time they didn’t need Chu Tian’s leadership, they went to Chu Tian’s side and stood together with Chu Tian and the girl from before.

Soon, a large part of the people came to Chu Tian’s side, at this time the remaining people of the Lu family have been divided into two factions, one is standing beside Chu Tian these people, they are hoping to join the Su family, most of them are previously bullied or oppressed in the Lu family.

After these people came to Chu Tian’s side, the hall once again fell into silence, because at this time the people who were bullied have all come to Chu Tian’s side. At this time the remaining, which are the previous managers in the Lu family, or vested interests, they do not want to easily replace the family, and they are not sure what kind of treatment in the Su family will face, so he did not dare to easily make a move, because they have not lived any hard life before, and completely unprepared for the things that follow.

………… is asking for flowers. …

“All right! Time’s up! ” Chu Tian gently slapped his hands together, smiled and said to the people in front of him, he also knew that now around himself should be all those who sincerely want to join the Su family. As for the rest of those, Chu Tian also does not matter, I do not think it is necessary to build the Su family into such a large scale, the key is to let everyone can follow orders, can be subject to the direct jurisdiction of the Su family on the line.

But the people in front of you seem to be unable to meet this requirement, because they were managers in the Lu family before, so Chu Tian can imagine that after joining the Su family again, they will definitely hold a group, resist others, and finally disobey orders, such things Chu Tian has seen before, and he does not want this to happen.

“What time is it? “Hearing Chu Tian’s words, everyone could not help but ask questions, Chu Tian had not given them a time limit before.

“The time has come for you to choose, now you can join the Su family, is standing beside me these, you have lost the opportunity.” Chu Tian said coldly, his eyes showed a cold light, for these people in the end will definitely become the Su family of bedbugs, Chu Tian also do not want.

“What?” The person in front of him did not seem to have figured out the current situation.

“Brother Tian Fang, send them out of here, this is no longer a place where they can stay.” Chu Tian said coldly, the time to be cold or choose to be cold, in this post-apocalyptic world, always show a gentle face, will only be perceived as weak, good bully.

“Good …Lu Tianfang although also very surprised Chu Tian Tian before and after such a big change, but also quickly reacted, quickly began to implement the order. The,

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