272Chapter The best punishment for shrews

272Chapter The best punishment for shrews

Although these people are the people of the Lu family, but Lu Tianfang still in accordance with Chu Tian’s orders to kick them out, he is not what a merciful person, he knows that this matter and he led the team, disobedient people are to be punished, so he can accept it at this time.

After all, the Su family is a family on the rise, and the Lu family is completely different, then these old people of the Lu family should also be used with caution, they are the remnants of the Lu family party, used to working in the Lu family way, the body will also naturally have a lot of the Lu family’s bad habits, if the previous Lu family those bad habits to the Su family, which is certainly not a good thing.

Lu Tian Fang is able to understand Chu Tian’s thoughts, compared to his just helpless, Chu Tian is the first to come in and think of a solution “four ninety” method, which makes Lu Tian Fang feel that the Su family will certainly be able to rise again, which he can foresee. He even believed that if the manager of the Lu family was a person like Chu Tian, the Lu family would have already dominated the base city, and naturally would not have ended up in such a situation now.

“Give you ten minutes to pack your things, after that you can never set foot in here again!” Lu Tianfang coldly said to the people of the Lu family in front of him, he also knows the truth that one should be cold when one should be cold.

“Third young master, are you really going to kick us all out? We’ve watched you grow up!” A middle-aged woman came up and said, looking at her face, she knew she would not be a good person to mess with, is the standard nosy aunt look.

The middle-aged woman actually did not give Lu Tianfang any good looks when he was small, and would even call him a “cheap bastard” from time to time to insult him, and she is also known as a snob in the Lu family, since Lu Tianfang managed the adventure team, his attitude towards Lu Tianfang is getting better and better, no longer the same as when he was a child. The insult.

“Song mother, just Chu Tian said you also heard, I am now the Su family, naturally can not disobey the order, and such things are also your own choice. Now the Su family, there is no such thing as climbing relationships, so you better hurry up and go pack!” Lu Tianfang said coldly, climbing relations is one of the bad habits of the previous Lu family, especially like Song Ma, who has been at home for a long time and has very old qualifications, almost everything will rely on their old face to get preferential treatment. This is the thing that Lu Tianfang most disgraceful, he felt that in addition to the master of the family, no one should be able to rely on seniority to achieve their own purposes.

“Humph, you little bastard, you grew up eating from the Lu family, but in the end you turned your face away from others! I really feel bad for the master, who raised you as a wolf from nowhere! “Song mother saw Lu Tian Fang did not give him any preferential treatment, is also immediately flipped out, she quarreled at Lu Tian Fang body, then revealed her usual brutal look, said loudly, quite some shrew scolded the street.

“Song mother, you continue to scold, the time will be up. “The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re doing. The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the problem.

“You are cruel, but I tell you, with that kind of master, you, and the two little girls in your room, do not want to live a good life in the future, traitor!” Song Ma crushed Lu Tian Fang a mouthful again, and turned her head to go back to her home to pack.

The other people also waited for a while when they saw Song Ma come up and Lu Tian Fang get close, but after they saw Song Ma fail, they all dispersed and went back to their homes to collect things, the whole Lu family is the most powerful and domineering is Song Ma, she can not, these people naturally have no idea.

But just Song Mom’s actions were seen by Chu Tian, he knew that Lu Tianda was generous, but he could not tolerate such things, so he gently leapt, came to the front of Song Mom, blocked the way to Song Mom.

“You wait. ” Chu Tian said coldly, his face at this time with a fierce light, there is also a cold light in the eyes, looks very fierce, so that people do not come to the feeling of cold….

“What’s wrong again? Do you have too much on your plate? I’m not a member of your Su family, it’s none of your business, get out of the way!” Song mother is now also to temper, she was not at all by Chu Tian’s expression of shock, she is not what to mess with people, whoever upset her before will be her scolding, of course, except for the Lu Jiu Ling brothers and the two young masters of the Lu family.

She naturally does not put Chu Tian in her eyes, just Chu Tian asked Lu Tian Fang to drive them away has already angered her, now she naturally will not give Chu Tian any good look.

“Although you are not my Su family, but you have cursed our Su family, I can not be ignored ah!” Chu Tian said with a smile, this kind of big mother cursing street fighting power is really strong, and basically without any dirty words, he may not be able to cope with, at this time standing in front of Song mother, he just felt the pressure of just Lu Tian Fang.

“Scolded is you Su family bastards! Destroyed other people’s family, but also to drive people out, really is the heartless hey! I really hope that God will open his eyes, you and the traitor of our Lu family to a lightning strike! Song Ma’s combat power is too strong, Chu Tian completely unable to interject.

“OK, then I declare you have no time to pack now, go straight away!” Chu Tian said and stretched out his wings, directly with Song Ma flew away.1.9

“You you you you – what are you doing!” The moment she rose into the air, Song’s mother really panicked, she seemed to remember at this time that Tian Chu is the one who reigned as the great devil, and also the one who was able to break into the Lu family without a trace.

Her tears came straight out, and she suddenly regretted what she had just said beyond measure, originally just flowing tears, and later became bawling.

“I beg you, please forgive me, you do not remember the small man! “Song mother cried, she looked at this time also strange pitiful, but Chu Tian know, it is her kind of talent is the most hateful.

So Chu Tian directly threw Song Ma outside the walls, now there are not many zombies roaming outside the walls, came to him a slightly empty place, ignoring any of Song Ma’s cries for mercy words, threw her down!

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