270Chapter Receiving the Lu Family

270Chapter Receiving the Lu Family

“Since the soft one won’t work, don’t blame me for the hard one!” Yesterday said loudly to the people of the Lu family in front of him, his gaze swept over all the people of the Lu family, no one dared to look him in the eye, everyone in the eyes of the fear of this Su family “devil”, because the team of the Lu family failed, all proved that their fathers, husbands or sons died in the hands of this person.

In Chu Tian are using their own abilities, the villa hall is finally quiet, the long-lost silence, so Chu Tian have a kind of drought and manna general feeling of pleasure, just this group of people roar chatter, it is too much of a headache!

“Finally, it’s quiet! ” Chu Tian said to the people in front of him, he slowly walked in the hall constantly, hesitant to speak again, but his every move was seen by everyone, he is now the focus of the entire hall, all eyes also converge on him, his every move touched the hearts of all people.

Finally, Chu Tian spoke again, he opened his mouth and said in a low voice: “I know why you473 hate me, it’s because I killed your husband or son, made you lose your home, lost your shelter.” His gaze was very sincere, so that the people in front of him did not seem to be so afraid just now.

Everyone nodded involuntarily and agreed with Chu Tian’s statement in their hearts. They all really hated Chu Tian’s bones because of this matter, and they actually didn’t feel much about whose family they belonged to, as long as they could live, have food to eat and clothes to wear, it was the same everywhere.

In other words, most of them joined the Lu family just to survive, and not much as a member of the Lu family sense of honor, the destruction of the Lu family or not, in fact, they are not particularly concerned, as long as their family is okay, they can still live in this world, it is enough.

“Let me explain to you one by one, first of all, you did not lose your husband or son, this battle loss of the number of members of the Lu family is very small, only a dozen bodies only, the rest of the people are now imprisoned in the Su family, if you go to the Su family now, you will be able to see them, our Su family will also treat you well. ” Chu Tian said softly, his tone is much softer than just, he understands that the best way to persuade people is to have a red and white face, but today he is a person, the red and white face all sang, which also makes him have to admire his own conversation skills, it seems to stay in the base city for a long time, this aspect of the ability to have a very high level of improvement.

“Compared to the number of my security team lost is not small. Moreover, this war was initiated by your Lu family, and our Su family was only defending, so our Su family should not have cared about your Lu family’s death, but our Su family is willing to accept you, which is already our greatest mercy to you. ” Chu Tian paced gently, said quietly. He now becomes more gentle tone, not in a hurry, there is a kind of narrative quality, so that people can listen to a lot of peace of mind.

“And then there is the second problem, my Su family after accepting you, will also be the same as you in the Lu family shelter, you need the living goods and food, also will not lack you. It will only be more generous than when you were in the Lu family. ” Chu Tian also explained just said the second reason, so that all the people in front of you can rest assured.

“Of course, you want to get the same rich treatment as before, is also to pay and before the same labor. We all know that the development of our Su family is far less than the Lu family, so there are many places need to pay action to build, which rely on everyone’s efforts, we Su family time more fair than the Lu family, only (cfbj) to work hard, there will certainly be a corresponding return. ” Chu Tian’s words here is finished, he finished the moment suddenly feel like a fraudulent organization personnel, say the words are so good, and also with everyone opened a lot of blank checks.

But Chu Tian understands that if it works, what’s wrong with such words? He only wants the development of the Su family now, so it doesn’t matter what kind of words he is asked to say.

After Chu Tian’s words, the people of the Lu family in front of them all blinked their big eyes at Chu Tian, and their hesitation could be seen in their eyes, they didn’t know whether they should trust Chu Tian, the devil, and they felt very confused about their path afterwards. They are the ability of these people, even if all of them are together. The possibility of surviving is not very big, and can even be said to be almost none.

But if you join the Su family, and can not prove whether Chu Tian’s words are true, they joined the Su family, but also do not know if they can really get the same treatment as before. These are the things that the Lu family people need to weigh, and they can’t make a decision for a while.

“Yes, as Chu Tian said, there is no harm in joining the Su family, now the Lu family has no hope, if we want to continue to live, there is only the Su family so a reliance.” Lu Tian Fang then said, the people of the Lu family trust him, so at this time he can give a little advice, the people of the Lu family to adopt the possibility of higher.

We “Su family is sincere hope that you can join us, we also need your labor and rich experience, let us after together to strengthen the Su family, will be able to make the Su family more prosperous than the previous Lu family.” Chu Tian strikes again, each time the words spoken are more moving than the last, more touching the hearts of the people in front of him.

“Of course, if you do not want to join the Su family, you can go to other big families to find a new job to do, it is estimated that you can also survive, but I dare say that no one can be treated better than the Su family. “Yesterday made his last big move, which he learned at the job application meeting before the end of the world, basically all business managers if they recruit people, will say such a sentence, let people feel how good their business, how bright, and this is the most able to grab the hearts of people applying for a sentence, this sentence is also used by Tian Chu very Chu Tian uses this phrase very well. Now Chu Tian thinks she is capable of applying for HR jobs in big companies!

“So, who wants to join the Su family now? ” Chu Tian did not walk back and forth anymore, but stood in place and looked at the people in front of him and said.

After these words, the hall immediately fell into a dead silence again.

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