267Chapter Hu Family’s Nightmare

267Chapter Hu Family’s Nightmare

“You go back and tell your family head, today’s matter I Chu Tian remembered!” Chu Tian said with a smile, by the Hu family to take advantage of the fire, is something he could have expected before, so not too surprised, but expected, does not mean that he can tolerate, the Wang family and Hu family such behavior, is simply trampled on the Su family’s victory, Chu Tian is not easy to bully, the other side has such bad ideas, he is sure to make the Hu family pay the price, but Right now he does not have so much time, recently to busy things or a lot of, so for the time being there is no time to manage the Hu family this thief.

So Chu Tian let this police member go over to report, is to make the Hu family fear, let the Hu family beware of him, so for the Hu family is also a kind of consumption, but also more can strengthen the reputation of the Su family, “four seven three” after all, in the other side of the case, but also to carry out retaliation against the other side, that is simply for the Su family Su family’s reputation is the best strength. Reputation is the best growth, this is also Chu Tian’s next plan, after receiving the Lu family’s property, again growing the reputation of the Su family, this is the second step in the rise of the Su family again, Chu Tian these days has been waiting for the provocation of the Hu family and Wang family.

But he did not believe before, the two families certainly will not be so brainless, you know, Su family but just won the strongest Lu family, the base city other families are avoiding Su family it, at this point in time to Lu family to take advantage of the fire, is simply the biggest provocation to Su family, so Chu Tian is not too believe that the two families will send people over.

But I did not expect the Hu family’s police force so came to the Lu family, and also drove a car, blatantly over to move things, Chu Tian saw the other side of the “tools of the crime” after, is also directly out of laughter, he even suspected that the Hu family’s head Hu Feng some naive, if the first time and the Lu family cooperation is a choice mistake, But this time again to steal things from the Lu family, simply brainless behavior ah!

“Clearly understand!” The Hu family’s police officer heard Chu Tian’s words, the eyes directly brightened up, if you can live out of the Lu family, it is not in vain he begged so long today, but also made so much of a fool’s errand, also let immediately he felt the hope of living.

“Good! Then you go back!” Chu Tian said, this Hu’s police officer also seems to be a bit naive ah, he just came to see the other side of a large wet feet, is also immediately understand what has happened to this person, although he expressed understanding, but still feel some funny.

“Thank you, thank you! “Hu’s police member kneeled on the ground again, to Chu Tian and the adventure team members kowtowed several times, his head wound had already scabbed, but this time after kowtowing, the wound is also directly cracked, blood flowed from the wound, flowed over his face, looks a bit horrible, but he does not care about these, can live, do not want to So much.

Then he ran to the gate of the Lu family in a flash, he was running faster and faster, afraid that Chu Tian, like those big devils in the TV series that I had seen before, let people go and then shot that person. So he ran through this way is also scared, until he walked out of the door of the Lu family, he was relieved.

Then he straightened his back, with a smile on his face and walked forward, in his mind, today this is his first step to become a big shot, after all, even such a difficult situation have survived, and also survived, his heart began to sincerely admire his just mind and temperament, after all, in just that situation, it is not really anyone can bear down.

But he suddenly remembered what Chu Tian told him, which also made him very distressed, after all, the whole Hu family knows that Hu Feng is very easy to anger, a careless will anger him, which he brought back such a bad news, will certainly make Hu Feng very angry!

This police officer just broke through that level, and now began to think about the next level of the law, he thought about suddenly raised his head, looking at the blue sky, and the air that a few quietly floating clouds, now is undoubtedly a good day, but life is so not easy, which makes him a lot of pressure on his body, he now almost want to cry out.

This time, the idea of fleeing suddenly appeared in his mind, the base city is not big, but also not small, if he escapes now, hidden in the base city well alive, it is not impossible, and after all, he is also a member of the Hu family police force, combat power is not weak, there is still no problem to survive. ….

But this idea was soon denied by him, after all, he is the Hu family, his family is still in the Hu family, he can not just give up on them. So even if this is a life of nine deaths, he must return home, because if he does not go back, the family will not be too good.

Although the people of the Hu family may think he and the police members, together with those who died in the Lu family, naturally will not be difficult for his family, but at such a time, a home without a man, no matter what is not too good, so this is the reason he must go back.

This police member thought of this, once again to pack up the mood, towards the Hu family, his appearance at this time looks very miserable, back to the Hu family should also be understood.

Soon, the police officer returned to the Hu family, he first met with the Hu family steward.

“Why are you back like this? Where are the others?” The steward saw the appearance of this police member and immediately asked, he naturally knew that Hu Feng sent the police team to move things to the Lu family.

“Off steward, other police officers see familiar steward, I do not know why, the heart suddenly rose a sour, his eyes immediately red, this is not his acting, just his natural reaction, just experienced so many things 1.9,now see a familiar person, naturally will be very excited, this is the proof that they survived ah!

“Why don’t you just tell us! What happened to everyone else!” Guan steward also in the Hu family for many years, is certainly also experienced the great waves of people, he saw the police members of this look, the heart is also known, but still can not help but ask, because if the other side did not answer, the heart of the idea can not be taken seriously, which is the majority of people will have a fluke mentality.

“Everyone else is dead!” The vigilante shouted loudly, his tears flowed down at the same time, he had just built up his emotions to a certain level, and now it was finally bursting out!

“This.” When Steward Guan heard the words of the police officer, he also stared in awe, his face ashen.

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