Chapter 1266 I, Chu Tian, took note of it!

Chapter 1266 I, Chu Tian, took note of it!

“So you Hu family is trying to take advantage of the chaos to seize the Lu family?” Lu Tian Fang coldly asked, he is most uncomfortable with this kind of people who take advantage of the fire to rob, Chu Tian to receive the Lu family this matter, Lu Tian Fang is supportive, because the Su family atmosphere is very good, can well let the remaining people of the Lu family live on.

And Chu Tian family to receive the remaining property of the Lu family, is the spoils of victory, this is also Lu Tianfang can accept, but the Hu family such a robbery while the fire is the most disgraceful behavior of Lu Tianfang, this kind of sneaky robbery behavior, really let people very see but.

Hu’s police force personnel at this time lowered his head, he did not dare to say a word, nor dare to have any rebuttal, because the other side at this time to grasp their own life and death, at such times do not speak.

“Captain, now how to deal with him? “The adventurous team members asked, if Lu Tian Fang’s questioning finished, this kid is not useful, they still want to continue to tease this kid, just they have not played enough.

“Wait, let Chu Tian decide when he comes.” Lu Tian Fang said, just now, found the police team of people, he has pressed the alarm given by Chu Tian, so Chu Tian naturally know that his side has something to inform him, so Chu Tian will certainly come soon.

The biggest advantage of Lu Tian Fang is that he is already convinced of Chu Tian, so he will wait for Chu Tian to decide everything, although he himself decided Chu Tian will not have any complaints, but he is still used to let Chu Tian to decide, after all, at this time Chu Tian is his direct leader, and he has always believed that Chu Tian’s decision is more sensible than his. The decision is more sensible than his, and can be more conducive to the development of the Su family.

At this time Lu Tianfang is also wholeheartedly for the good of the Su family, he has now completely identified himself as a member of the Su family, even if what others say, he will not change his attention. He has never cared about other people’s views, if not for Lu Jiuling’s behavior is too much, Lu Tianfang is also wholeheartedly for the good of the Lu family, he is such a person, no matter what place will be wholeheartedly.

This is also the reason why Chu Tian wants to pull Lu Tianfang into the Su family, he appreciates Lu Tianfang’s character, and does not want to see Lu Tianfang continue to stay in the already somewhat rotten Lu family.

The adventurers must wait until Chu Tian comes to make a decision, they also did not say anything, the adventurers at this time for Chu Tian’s recognition than the Su family’s family head Su Ren much higher, their mood and Lu Tian Fang probably the same, are convinced of Chu Tian, usually very respectful Chu Tian, because most of them are not the Lu family people, So it doesn’t matter which family you stay in, so stay in the Su family is much more comfortable than the Lu family, at least Chu Tian does not want to be as capricious as Lu Jiuling, often lose his temper.

People are anxiously waiting, the most anxious should be the Hu family’s police officer, he does not know his fate in the end, so at this time anxiously, death is not terrible, the most terrible is to die before – waiting.

Now the mood of this Hu family police officer is, “big brothers, you want to kill to give a painful words, do not let people so wait! “The more he thought, the more afraid, and finally just feel the hot flow on the pants, he gently touched his pants, found really wet, he could not care less about the face at this time, this is also a normal person should have the stress reaction, he is not in the mood to consider the issue of shame.

“Send, you see, this kid seems to have peed!” An adventurous member of the team looked at the ground under the feet of the Hu family police officers appeared water stains, and the water stains seem to have some smell, he immediately shouted to the people around him, today there is another news anecdote.


Really “Send!”

The adventurous team members next to them looked over, they first looked in amazement, and then they laughed out loud, not expecting that there are really people in this world who can be scared to pee.

“This kid is too funny!” One of the adventurous team members laughed so hard that tears came out of his eyes.

Lu Tianfang usually does not like to look at this kind of hilarious or idle, but this time the risk-taking team members reacted somewhat fiercely, he could not help but look over and see the comical appearance of the police officer, but also did not hold back the direct laugh, he rarely laugh at others, but the police officer in front of him is really too funny, even the serious Lu Tianfang are amused.

……… is asking for flowers…


The laughter echoed in front of the warehouse of the Lu family, so that the guard felt very ashamed, but to live, we must endure these shame, he suddenly thought of what he heard before, after the success of the stoic, he suddenly felt very inspirational, and even feel that he is the next King Goujian, he slowly raised his head in such self-congratulation, he only felt that he raised his head, there will be a beam of light directly The whole person looks very holy.

At this time, Chu Tian also flew over, and he was followed by Yumengade, this time not Chu Tian wanted to take Yumengade, but Yumengade took the initiative to follow Chu Tian, she has recently become more and more fond of following Chu Tian, so this time, when he saw Chu Tian going out, he also hurriedly asked to follow.

The two soon arrived at the Lu family, flying over the Lu family before seeing Lu Tianfang standing in front of the Lu family’s warehouse. They immediately landed on the ground and landed in front of Lu Tianfang.

“What’s wrong brother Tian Fang?” Chu Tian asked, when he heard the alarm, he knew that someone must have come to the Lu family to take advantage of the fire, so he was not in too much of a hurry, and walked slowly over.

“It’s really the same as you think, this is the Hu family police force, they all came to take advantage of the fire, and we caught them.” Lu Tianfang said.

“So,” Chu Tian whispered, then looked at the police officer, his eyes with a smile, but the police officer shuddered, no matter what time, Chu Tian such smiling tiger is the most frightening.

The police officer is also the same, he heard the defeated Hu family police officers back to describe the man Tian Chu, all of them unanimously identified him as “the devil”, and said he is cruel, strong.

This own fall into the hands of this person, is not a big deal! Just now still feel that they are the next Goujian the guard suddenly had a “he may not live today” premonition, and very strong!

“I’ll let you off today, you go back to your master and tell him that I’ll take note of this matter! ” Chu Tian after silence, smilingly said this sentence. The first time I saw him, he said,

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