268Chapter Panicked Steward Guan

268Chapter Panicked Steward Guan

“This ..Guan steward face like ashes, he now want to sit down, because he has lost the power to stand, this matter is really a big blow to him, this Hu family not only stole the chicken, but also messed with the Su family, can really be said that the loss is not worth it.

“That Chu Tian also asked me to give the master a message, you can take me to see the master? “The police officer saw Guan housekeeper such a look, he also expressed understanding, but now is not the time to grieve, there are important things to inform Hu Feng it, this matter can be important, or Chu Tian when to fight over, Hu family is not yet defensive, the police officer does not want Hu family fell Lu family’s fate.

“Good! We go quickly! “Guan butler heard the words of the police officer, only to realize that he is now a little out of order, so he is also immediately pulled the police officer to go inside, he knew that now is a critical period for the Hu family, the previous wrong decision has put the entire Hu family in danger, now is the 25time to try to remedy.

Soon, the two came to the office of Hu Feng, Hu Feng is still in the office waiting for the good news of the police force, after all, from the day he ate the Lu family’s meals to know that the Lu family must have a lot of supplies, so he is now the whole person is very excited, waiting for the time to take stock of the proceeds of this time.

But what we waited for was not good news.

“Knock knock knock -” the sound of knocking on the door, the knocking sound is very urgent, can hear the mood of the knocker.

“Coming coming!” Hearing the knock on the door, Hu Feng’s mood was good, he thought it might be the police force came back with the supplies of the Lu family, so he was still very excited, he could not wait to eat again the meal he had eaten in the Lu family before.

But not as Hu Feng’s wish, he opened the door and saw the old face of the steward, which is the last thing he wanted to see in his life, every time he saw the steward crying, there is nothing good happening!

“It’s not good, Master! ” said Steward Guan, his voice trembling slightly, with some crying, looking very panicked.

I have to say, although the steward Guan has seen a lot of people, but his psychological quality is still so bad, he other and family stewards or secretaries compared to simply write their emotions completely on the face, it can be said that Hu Feng has not panicked, he has first panicked, there is no a big family steward should have the style, but the Hu family seems to be used to the steward Guan this alarming The Hu family seems to be accustomed to the startling nature of the Guan, always better than those who smile on the surface, behind the scenes to engage in intrigue.

“What’s wrong what’s wrong?” Hu Feng impatiently asked, this Guan steward is considered to have affected his mood for the day, he is naturally not much good attitude.

“The guard team sent to the Lu family was discovered by that Chu Tian, there is only one person left to come back! “Steward Guan almost shouted the words in a tone, which was enough to know how panicked he was at this moment, they might have gotten into a big trouble that they couldn’t mess with.

“What? You say again? “Hu Feng heard this news, pupils shrink, the heart is also very different, he could not believe the words of the steward, after all, the police squad is now the only fighting team of the Hu family, before the police squad members participated in the war, have lost the desire to fight, they are like scared out of their wits, no longer able to participate in any battle.

The supervisor also slightly calm, and repeated the previous words, this time Hu Feng is also completely clear about the current situation. At this time, the supervisor Guan pulled the surviving members of the police force together into Hu Feng’s office.

“What exactly did Chu Tian tell you to bring back?” Guan Guan asked, just a moment of panic, did not ask the police officers in advance, so now is also with Hu Feng asked Chu Tian’s words.

” Chu Tian said he took note of the Hu family, maybe he will retaliate against us afterwards!” The guard said warily, his legs can not stop trembling, he is really afraid of Hu Feng, Hu Feng is usually an extremely harsh person, often lose his temper and beat people or something, but in the Lu family so difficult times have survived, now his heart of fear naturally will not be so deep, after all, the feeling of warmth on the pants is still there, this is a warning to him all the time, but also the proof that he has endured.

“This Su’s brat!” Hu Feng viciously slapped the table, the table immediately shook violently, his expression at this time is not what panic, nor fret, is simply angry, the other party not only killed his people, but also threatened him, this is simply a stain on the dignity of his family head.

“Master, do not be angry, this matter is important, we still need to think long term.” Butler Guan immediately advised, although he was very confused when panicked, but calm down can still offer valuable advice.

“Ugh. “Hu Feng at this time is also calm down, he also lamented himself, how to meet Chu Tian so kid, it is as if heaven sent to punish him, recently do things are not smooth because of this Chu Tian.

“Do you have any way to Guan steward?” Hu Feng asked, he racked his brain is also unable to think of a way to473, this matter is indeed very difficult for the Hu family, everyone knows, Chu Tian is not easy to mess with the Lord, at this time Guan steward and Hu Feng no other way, can only lament their fate.

“I can’t figure it out yet, but we don’t need to rush, the Su family just recently defeated the Lu family, there must be a lot of things to deal with, we still have a few days of preparation time.” Guan steward said, regained his composure, his analytical ability is also very strong, really can see the appearance of the big family steward.

“Well, call all the people in charge here, we discuss this matter!” Hu Feng waved his hand, before is his wrong decision to let the Hu family in such a situation, he did not dare to make a decision by himself again, so it is better to call people up to discuss.

Hu Feng also knows his own mistakes, he is too important to the immediate small profits, so that not too much thought after the matter, so he knows that the failure of the police force is his fault, and not too much blame the surviving members of the police force, and even because of the guilt, the attitude towards him is much better.

This makes the surviving police member very flattered, looking at Hu Feng himself on such an attitude, the police member is deeply encouraged, he believes that he through today’s patience, the future can certainly become a great thing! ,

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